DMG MORI大力支持2018世赛中国选拔赛,比赛开始前中国人社部职业能力建设司张立新司长参观了DMG MORI的展位, DMG MORI中国区副总裁田晓东博士以及DMG MORI集团培训学院行业总监Sebastian Plau先生为大家介绍了DMG MORI 中国与世赛的密切合作情况,及对DMG MORI对本届赛事的大力支持情况。
DMG MOR provides significient support to the qualification competition for Worldskills Championship China 2018. Zhang Lixin, the Head of Career Building Department of China’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, visited DMG MORI booth; Dr. Tian Xiaodong, the Vice President of DMG MORI China, and Mr. Sebastian Plau, the Industry Director of DMG MORI Academy, made the introduction about the close cooperations between DMG MORI China and the Worldskills International, as well as DMG MORI's great efforts for the Worldskills Championship 2018.
有关DMG MORI的最新信息,
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