加工范围 Processing scope
工件支承方式Workpiece supporting mode
工件上下料方式 Workpiece loading and unloading mode
工件轴转速 40~500rpm可变,使用伺服电机控制
Workpiece shaft, whose rotating speed is changeable from 40 to 500rpm, controlled by servo motor.
Control system: Siemens 840D numerical control system,four axes and one spindle.
Eight magnetism poles, total resistance is about five Ohms, cores connect with the same pole wire.
Measure the race size and adjust the dynamic balance of wheel with Marposs
NC operation panel is made from MCP and OP010. Screen can alternate between Chinese and English
Grinding shelf can move only when the following items are meted
Select the suitable wheel. Need wheel to grind base on the workpiece material, rigidity and manufacturing requirement. The wheel maximum linear velocity should be accord with the machine tooling specification requirement. Make sure there is no crack on the wheel. Prohibit using the crack wheel.
Check the grinding machine engines, hydraulic pressure and so on. The operators can not stand in front of the wheel. After the machine racing 5 minutes, the wheel speed is normal can begin to grind
Be in the state of racing for dehydrating about 1-2 minutes.
return the reference point after putting the power on to prevent collision
Before automatic grinding circle is conducted, the wheel and workpiece engine should be started up. If any motor stops or has some problem, the machine will return to original position automatically
The proximity switch and relative touching hand on the X, Z, U and W axis should be kept on original position to avoid the collision.
when the machine have the trouble or change to the auto mode ,please perform the auto reset circle once. The reset circle activate with the auto mode
Begin to startup the program after activating the chuck magnetism, turn off the magnetism after the motor stops
In order to protect from getting an electric shock and damaging the machine, only the technician and the engineer can switch on and off the electrical cabinet
远程控制按钮(如图4.22 remote control button show as picture 4.22
人机对话界面Man-machine interface
卸下仪表架take off instrument stand
设备操作规程regulations of the equipment operation
交接班制度hand-over shift system
3MK2125 is an automatic high-speed cut-in inner race grinding machine. The basic structure shows in picture1.It has numerical control system controls and monitors grinding procedure.
数控 Numerical control
上下料机构Load/Unload device.
回转板Workhead angle adjustment.
床头滑板workhead slide
表测量装置in-process gauge.
砂轮架及砂轮轴 grind wheel spindle
修整装置Dress device
伺服进给机构Servo feeding mechanism
床身machine bed
工件支承方式Workpiece supporting mode
using centerless floating (pivot shoes) supporting race way when grinding race way
The workpiece is supported by multi pole magnetic chuck and floating pivot shoes and driven by work spindle
工件上下料方式 Workpiece loading and unloading method
主机内的工件上下料采用单料臂传送方式,由液压控制。Single arm loader for loading and unloading parts into the machine. The loader is controlled by the hydraulic system.
工件轴转速 40~500rpm可变,使用伺服电机控制 Variable speed work head spindle with a range of 40 – 500 rpm is controlled by AC motor and AC inverter.
吸雾电机 mist collection motor
Grinding wheel wearing: When grinding wheel is worn to the size that it can’t be used (to the fixed size), the machine will alarm and stop.
必须在下列状态满足时进行上下料动作when loading and unloading the parts, the machines should meet the following conditions:
电磁卡盘断磁 Electromagnetic chuck must be demagnetized.
测规在非磨削位(退出位)The in-process gage must be at the non - grinding position (home position).
砂轮离开工件到砂轮与上下料机构无干扰的安全位 Wheel must be fully retracted (to home position) so that it will not interfere with the loading operation.
必须在下列状态满足时进行磨架运动 Infeed slide can move only when the following conditions are met:
电磁卡盘激磁Magnetic chuck is activated
测规在磨削位(仪表方式时,测爪需收缩)The in-process gage fingers are in the closed (measuring) position.
砂轮在零位 wheel at zero position
需在下列状态时测规才能进退 In-process gage can move only when following conditions are met:
电磁卡盘激磁 Magnetic chuck is activated
测爪张开 The in-process gauge fingers are open
Select appropriate grind wheel according to the workpiece material, hardness, and processing requirements. The wheel maximum linear velocity should in accordance with the machine specification requirement. . Make sure the grind wheel is not cracked. Prohibit the use of a cracked wheel.
Put the blotter between the grinding wheel and the flange when mounting the wheel.
Check grinding wheel static balance after installation. Cover of grinding wheel should be securely fastened.
Check the work pieces, the wheel and the chuck before operating
Check the grinding machine mechanics, hydraulics, and magnetic driver to ensure that they all function properly. Never stand in front of the wheel when it is running. After the machine racing 5 minutes, the wheel speed is normal can begin to grind
When the machine is changed to automatic mode or if there is a machine problem, perform the auto reset cycle once. The reset cycle can only be activated in the Auto mode.
禁止在工件架及工作台上放置工具或量具 Never leave tools or gauges on the worktable inside the machine
In order to protect from getting an electric shock and damaging the machine, only the technician and the engineer can switch on and off the electrical cabinet.
合理操作磨床,不得敲击损坏磨床零部件;定期做好磨床的保养工作 Operate the grinding machine reasonably, do not strike the grinding machine parts.
磨削完毕的工件要放在工位器具内,以防止碰伤,拉毛工件或使工件生锈 Return the tooling to the original place to prevent workpiece rust.
成批生产的工件要做首件检验 When we do mass production, always inspect the first piece.
下班前应清理好磨床及工作场地 clean up the grinding machine and put spare parts in order when the operators are off duty.
做好交接班工作,并做好记录Record hand over
Pressure of hydraulic gauge (1) should be 1.0~1.5MPa. and oil (2) level of hydraulic and lubrication system should be between upper and lower limits.
Hydraulic system controls the actions such as ‘loading and unloading’, ‘instrument shaft in and out’. Lubrication system lubricates the moving parts automatically.
气压表4压力在0.4MPa以上,控制“仪表测头张、缩”动作The pressure of air pressure gauge (4) should be above 0.4MPa. This controls the opening and closing of the in – process gage fingers.
Servo motor (5) controls grinding wheel feed-in by ball screw. Servo motor (6) dresses grinding wheel by feed-in. Servo motor (7) dresses grinding wheel by reciprocating. Servo motor (8) automatically compensates grinding wheel wearing.
工件由单料臂11及料爪11A通过挡料板(块)12,传送到八磁极卡盘13和浮动支承14上,并由13和14定位Workpiece is sent to the magnetic driver (13) and floating pivot shoes (14) The single arm loader (11) stroke is controlled by an adjustable “stop” (12) (11) and chuck The location of workpiece is fixed by the floating pivot shoes(13) and (14).
Grinding wheel shaft, which is driven by AC motor, uses self-acting bearing. The linear speed of grinding wheel (15) can not exceed 60m/s. Balance of grinding wheel is controlled by the Marposs balancing device(16). Grinding wheel shield (17) uses 14mm steel plate to reinforce protection.
Workpiece size is controlled by two gage heads (18) and gap elimination device is controlled by AE sensor (19) Marposs measurement device , display shows as picture 4.13 show workpiece measurement, grinding wheel balance and gap removing information.
The contact point between diamond (20) and grinding wheel is about 1~2mm higher than grinding wheel shaft, and the uptilting angle is about 10~15°.
Feed-in, reciprocating dressing and automatic compensation are controlled by servo motor. Single point diamond and two shafts CDC dressing method is used for crown of raceway. There’s 1,3,5,7 segment crown for choice.
840D数控系统,包括PCU50(相当于一台电脑,自带windows XP 系统,),操作面板,机床控制面板,数控单元,电源模块,功率模块。
840D NC system include PCU50( as a computer with windows XP ),OP unit, MCP, NCU, power supply module, and power module.
Interface display: language can alter between Chinese and English .Screen layout shows as picture 4.15.
操作区域 (1),显示当前选择的操作区域名:机床,参数,程序,服务,诊断,启动, operation area(show as 1) , displaying the current operation area:machine, parameter, program, serve, diagnose, startup.
机床操作区域,手动控制零件程序的执行 control the workpiece program to perform by mauley on machine operation area.
参数区域,编辑程序数据,执行刀具管理。 Edit the parameters of the program and execute the tool management on parameters area .
程序区域,生成和修改零件程序。Edit and modify the workpiece program on the program area.
服务区域,输入,输出程序和数据。Input and output the program and data on the serve area.
诊断区域,报警显示和服务显示。Display the alarm and the serve on the diagnosis area.
启动区域,修改MD,系统设置。Modify the machine parameter and the setting of system.
锡机,机床厂设定的加工参数界面。 Xiji area is the interface of processing parameters by WT editing .
通道状态(2),显示当前通道状态:通道复位,通道中断,通道激活channel status( show as 2), displaying the current channel status:channel reset, channel interrupt , channel activate.
程序状态(3),显示当前运行零件程序状态:中止,运行,停止。 program status(show as 3), displaying the current part program status:pause, run, stop .
报警和信息行(4) alarm and message(show as 4)
操作方式(5),例如手动,数据输入,自动等。operation mode(show as 5) , for example, JOG ,MDI, AUTO etc.
程序名(6),按NC启动后运行的程序名。 Program name area (show as 6) displays the name of wokpiece program after the NC startup key presses.
工作窗口NC显示(7),显示刀具,进给量和程序编辑 work windows and NC display windows( show as 7) ,displaying the tooling , the feed amount, program editing.
有效垂直软键显示(8) efficient vertical soft keys show(show as 8)
有效水平软键显示(9) efficient horizontal soft keys show (show as 9)l
8 horizontal and 8 vertical soft keys are shown in picture 4.13 (22) above. The display shows grinding tool actual position, processing procedure, coordinate system, spindle rotating speed, grinding tool parameter, machine parameter, alarming information, etc. The change of content is controlled by these soft keys.
主要包括以下键区:The panel consist of these keys areas:
a)机床操作方式键区(图4.17(1),自动,手动,回零,手动数据输入,单步,增量进给,增量进给量等操作模式键machine operation mode keys area show as picture 4.17(1), including AUTO key , JOG key , REFENCE POINT key, MDA key , STEP key ,increment feed ,inc var, and so on,
手动模式键 jog key
All the adjustments will execute only after pressing the key until the LED is on.
回参考点模式键 return home key
每次上电必须回参考点,按下回参考点键,选择所需轴,按“-”键,系统回参考点。The machine must return home after the power on . Press the return home key, select the desired axis , press the “minus” key , axis return reference point .
自动模式键auto key
program executes automatically on auto mode.
单步键 step key
在自动操作模式下,按下单步键,按一下NC启动键,走一个程序块, Select auto mode , the machine execute one step need press NC startup key on STEP mode .
增量进给键 increment feed key
Press increment feed key to select INC mode . Press NC startup key , axis feed according to the feed increment setup by the feed increment key.
数据输入键 machine data input key
self definition control keys area(show as picture 4.17(2)),defined by machine manufacturer, includes idle run key, coolant key ,sizematic/gage control key. Mag control, etc.
定程/量仪键 sizematic/gage control key
定程使用伺服控制尺寸,量仪使用马波斯控制尺寸 on sizematic mode ,the dimension of workpiece is controlled by the servo system . On gage control mode , the dimension is controlled by Marposs.
空运行键 Idle run key
不放工件,不开砂轮,修整补偿量自动设为零。No workpiece , grind wheel is stopped and the dress compensation is zero when the program is executed.
预停键 cycle stop key
在预停方式中,一个循环结束后,停止当前工作循环机床回到原始位。In cycle stop mode ,the machine will finish the current cycle, then return to original position .
返新砂轮位键 return to “new wheel position” key
When changing wheel or clearing the compensation value, press this key. Regardless of the grinding mode, the machine will return to the new wheel position and clear the compensation amount. The machine must be in auto cycle to activate this function..
修磨连动键 dress and grind key
选择此方式,执行自动循环后,修整砂轮,再走一次磨削循环,磨削循环结束后机床回到原位,此方式解除。After the auto cycle is over the machine dresses the wheel, then executes grind cycle one time on dress and grind mode . Then after the cycle finishes, the machine returns to original position and the mode will cancel.
请求修整键 dress request key
选择此方式,不管记数修整次数到不到,正常磨削完后,自动修整一次,机床回原位,请求修整方式自动解除。When dress request mode is on , regardless the dress counter Is over , the machine will dress automatically one time and return to the original position after finishing grinding normally ,then the mode will cancel.
上/下料键 loading /unloading key
调整模式时按键上面的灯点亮时为选择上料方式。在自动磨削方式时,只要执行过上料动作,按键上面的灯就点亮,执行下料动作后就熄灭。On jog mode, it stand for loading mode that the LED over the key is on . When execute auto grind cycle , the LED is on after loading and the LED is off after unloading .
料臂拔出/拔进键 arm forward /back key
调整模式时,按键上面的灯亮为料臂拔出方式。自动磨削方式时只要执行过料臂进动作,按键上面的灯就点亮,执行料臂拔出动作后就熄灭。On jog mode, it stand for arm forward mode that the LED over the key is on . When execute auto grind cycle ,the LED is on after arm forward and the LED is off after arm back.
开门解锁键。Door unlock key
按键上面的灯亮为开门解锁方式,此时执行自动循环动作不需要关闭机床移门,要选择开门解锁方式,要按住双手确认按钮5秒以上。如果不在开门解锁方式下,开门后,机床会执行复位动作,砂轮停转,只有在 循环结束后,才能移开门。it stand for door unlock mode that the LED over the key is on . When execute auto grind cycle , the door need not close . Select this mode after press two-hand confirm button for over five minutes . When the mode is not on , door open only after cycle finish ,otherwise the machine execute the reset program and the wheel stop .
激磁/断磁键 Mag on/ off key
调整模式时,按键上面的灯亮为激磁方式。自动磨削方式时执行过激磁,按键上面的灯就点亮On jog mode, it stand for mag on mode that the LED over the key is on . When execute auto grind cycle ,the LED is on when mag is on and the LED is off when mag is off.
强磁/弱磁键 strong /weak magnetism key
调整模式时,按键上面的灯亮为强磁方式,自动磨削方式时选择强磁后,按键上面的灯就点亮。此按钮转换磁力大小。On jog mode, it stand for strong magnetism mode that the LED over the key is on . When execute auto grind cycle , the LED is on after strong magnetism acting and the LED is off after acting weak magnetism acting.
冷却水开/关键 coolant on/off key
调整模式时,按键上面的灯亮为冷却水开方式,自动磨削方式时选择冷却水开后,按键上面的灯就点亮。On jog mode , it stand for coolant on mode that the LED over the key is on . When execute auto grind cycle , the LED is on after coolant on and the LED is off after coolant off .
仪表进/出键 gage in/out key
调整模式时,按键上面的灯亮为仪表进方式,量仪自动磨削方式时仪表进后,按键上面的灯就点亮。On jog mode, it stand for gage forward mode that the LED over the key is on . When execute auto grind cycle the LED is on after gage forward and the LED is off after gage back .
测爪收/张键 gage finger open/close key
On jog mode , it stand for gage finger close mode that the LED over the key is on . When execute gage mode the LED is on when gage finger is closed, and the LED is off when gage finer is open .
主轴和进给轴倍率开关(图4.17(3)),override switch of spindle and axes shown as picture 4.17(3)
direction keys area with quickly travel show as picture 4.17(4) ,including feed axis selection keys, direction keys, quickly travel key, machine coordination/workpiece coordination key
NC控制键区(图4.17(5)) ,NC起停键,进给起停键、主轴起停键,
C control keys area show as picture 4.17(5) ,NC start key ,NC stop key, feed start key ,feed stop key, spindle start key, spindle stop key
急停开关,以及复位键(图4.17(6))。emergency stop switch and reset key show as picture 4.17(6)
锁开关 (7) lock switch show as picture 4.17(7)
PCU50,相当于一台电脑,自带WINDOWS XP系统,用于NC系统数据的备份,中含西门子编程软件和HMI advanced 软件,OP010可以通过它读出PLC程序和NC状态。
PCU50 unit .equal to a compute with windows XP system, it is used to back up the data of NC system, it includes the Siemens program soft and HMI advanced soft .OP101 unit accesses the PLC program and NC status by it.
电源模块power supply module
power supply module show as picture 4.18(1) supply the controlling and driving power of NC unit and the power module , it produces the voltage of generatrix while monitoring the status of the electrical source and the module
840D NCU单元(如图4.18(2)),即数控核心和PLC的CPU。840D的轨迹控制和外部设备的控制都集中在该模块中。各模块接口作用如下:
40D NCU unit show as picture 4.18(2) is the NC core and the CPU of PLC. It controls the trace of 840D and the peripheral equipments .The function of the interfaces show as these.
操作面板接口,用于NCU与MCP的连接。Operator panel interface is used for the communication between NCU and MCP.
PLC接口,连接PLC(如图4.19)。PLC interface connect the NCU with PLC show as picture 4.19.
I/O设备接口,例如连接手轮。I/O equipment interface link the handle wheel to NCU.
PC/PG接口。PC/PG interface.
驱动总线接口,传送数字驱动控制信号。Drive bus interface transmits the control sign of the numeric drive.
设备总线接口,传送驱动使能和供电。Equipment bus interface transmits the enable sign of driver and the power.
PCMCIA槽口,插入存储卡,保存NCU系统软件。The memory card inserts in the PCMCIA slot , preserving the NC soft.
功率模块SIMODRIVE 611D(如图4.18(3)),新一代的数字总线驱动的交流驱动器,分为双轴和单轴模块,连接伺服电机可构成闭环和半闭环系统。
power module , SIMODRIVE 611D show as picture 4.18(3) is the new genenational AC driver drives by numeral bus. It includes two axis module and one axis module. Connecting with servo motor, it makes up of the loop system or the semi loop system.
Servo motor , good capablity of speed, include encoder, can feed back the position and speed. 手轮(如图4.20) handle wheel show as picture 4.20
控制伺服轴的微量进给,进给速度由用户旋转脉冲发生器的速度来决定。只有当手轮侧壁的确认按钮(1)和显示屏上选择“手轮ON”时,用户才能进行手轮操作。Handle wheel control the micro feed of axes , the feed speed is determined by the speed of the handle wheel . The user can operate the handle wheel after parietal confirm button of handle wheel (1) and “ handle wheel ON “ on the screen
紧急复位 emergency reset
It equal to the reset key on MCP, it interrupt current program ,startup the reset procedure , after finished ,the machine part return original position and the motor stop.
异常复位 abnormality reset
用来清除故障自锁和西门子显示屏上的操作提示和故障信息,也可以用来中止各类需双手确认的按钮。It is used to clear the self lock of failure , operator cue on SIMENS display and failure information .it is used to interrupt the action startup by the two-hand confirm switch .
循环启动 cycle start
带灯按钮,当有循环正在执行时,该灯为常亮。按下循环启动按钮,等待双手确认时,该灯为闪烁。此按钮与MCP中循环启动按钮功能相同,只是需要双手确认。It is provided with a lamp . When the cycle excute, the lamp is on . When press the startup button ,the lamp is flash waiting for confirming with the two-hand switch. With confirming by the two-hand switch ,it equal to NC startup key on MCP.
油泵启动和停止按钮 oil pump start and stop button
砂轮启动和停止按钮 wheel start and stop button,
远程控制按钮 remote control button
Nearby loading/unloading area , it convenient for the user to startups the scheduled program and interrupt the current cycle after loading or unloading
急停(1) emergency stop button show as (1)
循环启动按钮(2)不需双手确认. cycle start button show as (2), startup the program need not press confirm button
异常复位(3) abnormity reset button show as (3)
机床调磁器CD-TC-1(图4.19 ) machine magnetism adjustment CD-TC-1 show as picture 4.19 .
具有过流保护和反馈功能,失磁保护. It is provided with over current protection and feedback function ,
Perform the machine dry run before tooling. The wheel running speed should not exceed the linear velocity.
Before first grinding or after wheel replacement, must preset the workpiece coordinate, moving wheel to the part and adjusting the distance of infeed, return to the start position, then begin to work.
第一次进给时,用一只手准备按退出按钮,砂轮接近工件时,检查有无危险,并最低往复两次,察看机床个部分情况,确认正常后,再进行正式工作。When the wheel closes to the workpiece, make sure that there is no danger about the machine tooling, then can begin to work.
装卸工件时,砂轮必须退到最后位置,以防磨手。When assemble and unassembled the workpiece, you should make sure that the grind wheel return to the last position, to prevent injury to the hands.
自动进给时不许随意更改进给参数,需要更改时须等工件加工完毕。Never change the infeed parameter during the automatic infeed. If you need to change them ,do it after finishing the cycle.
下班时,切断电源、清理现场。When the operators are off duty, should turn off the power, and clean the work area.
穿戴好防护用品,带好防护眼镜。Wear the protection articles and put on the safe-guard glasses.
检查砂轮有无瑕疵,有裂纹和缺陷,应及时更换合格砂轮。There are no cracks, flaws or defect on the wheel. Only use a good quality wheel with no flaws.
检查砂轮轴、皮带轮、磁极上有无杂物。防护罩安装是否牢固、可靠、安全.Make sure there is nothing on the grinding wheel axis, the belt and the magnetic pole. Check whether the shield is safe or not.
松动的螺帽、背帽和螺栓,要及时拧紧。Tighten the loose nuts and bolts.
检查砂轮的位置是否移动, Check whether the wheel moves or not (properly positioned)
液压系统的吸油管、排油管是否良好、畅通。要保持在油面之下。防止吸入空气,影响液压转动。Check the hydraulic pressure system is all right and smooth. Prevent the air into the hydraulic pressure system.
按设备要求选用砂轮,砂轮线速度不准超过允许值,一次切削用量不得超过最大允许值。Choose the suitable grinding wheel according to the equipment requirement. The grinding wheel’s linear velocity can not exceed the permissible value. Once cutting amount (???) can not exceed the maximum permissible value.
砂轮不能受到碰撞和震动。主轴摆动量不能超过0.003毫米。 Never use a damaged grinding wheel. The run out of the spindle axis should not exceed 0.003mm.
装卸工做修整时,砂轮要退到安全位置,停止转动,防止砂轮磨手。工具要符合要求,卡、压螺丝必须紧固。Before operator dress the wheel, wheel should return to the safe position and stop running. Tooling should comply with the standard and screws should be tightened well.
砂轮应缓慢接近工件,磨削量由小渐大,不能突然增大磨削量。砂轮未退离工件时,不得中途停止运转。砂轮和磁极位置转动,不准伸手拿工件。The wheel must approach the workpiece gradually, the grinding stock removal amount should be increased gradually. Abrupt increase of grinding stock removal amount is forbidden. Don’t stop the rotation of the wheel before wheel leaves the part. Don’t touch parts when the wheel and magnetic driver are running
磁极在开机前要检查磁力是否够用。Check the magnetic force before running the machine.
修砂轮时,要详细检查金刚石是否牢固。修过的砂轮,不得用手去摸。Do not touch the dressed wheel with the hands.
砂轮发现椭圆或凸凹不平时,应及时修理或更换,以防啃住工件,把工件顶回崩出,把砂轮挤碎。砂轮爆炸时,应马上停机。Repair or replace the wheel when the wheel is not round or the surface is not flat. Whenever the wheel is broken, stop the machine at once.
砂轮直径磨小时,可以提高转速,但不能超过砂轮规定的线速度。When the wheel diameter becomes smaller, can improve the wheels’ rotate speed, but can not exceed the wheels’ linear speed. MACHINE HAS FIXED RPM WHEEL HEAD
法兰盘的直径,不能小于砂轮直径的三分之一,或大于二分之一。同时,在同台设备上的两块法兰盘,应大小、厚度一样。The flange’s diameter should be more than 1/3 diameter of the grinding wheel or no more the 1/2. At the same time, there should be two same flanges on the equipment.
夹紧法兰盘,应用合适的扳手,不准加套管,不准用手锤猛打。夹紧力要适当,过松,砂轮框动。过紧,能把砂轮挤碎。Use the suitable spanner to clamp the flange, do not add the bushing or strike the wheel with the hands. The clamp force should be suitable.
安装新砂轮时,要用平衡块进行平衡,修整后再进行二次平衡,确保砂轮安全运行。When you install the new grinding wheel, should use the counterbalance to balance. HUB NOT EQUIPPED WITH COUNTERBALANCE Do the second balance after dressing, to make sure the grinding wheel runs safely.
法兰盘与砂轮中间,必须放置0.5—2毫米的衬垫,衬垫要超过法兰夹紧面。Put 0.5-2mm gasket between the flange and the wheel.
直径400毫米以上的砂轮,空运转试验15—20分钟,直径400毫米以下的砂轮空运转试验10--15分钟。空转后,再停机检查一次。确认无裂纹时,再进给磨削。When the wheel diameter is over 400mm, the wheel racing should be 15-20 minutes; WHY SO LONG? when the wheel diameter is less than 400mm, the wheel idle running should be 10-15 minutes. WHY SO LONG? After the idle running, the operator should check the machine tooling again and make sure that there is no crack on the wheel.
砂轮应经常修整,修整器的金刚石必须尖锐,不得用磨钝的金刚石去修整砂轮,修整时,必须有充分的冷却液,以防损坏金刚石。Often dress the wheel, keep the diamond on the dresser sharp. Never use the blunt diamond to dress the wheel. Provide enough coolant when dressing, in order to keep the diamond sharp. Make sure to rotate the diamond properly
吸雾器必须经常保持完好有效,充分利用。Make full use of the mist exhaust apparatus.
工作中突然停水时,应立即停止磨削。When the coolant stops suddenly, the operator should stop grinding immediately.
机床开动时,不许手摸工件或砂轮,不许测量工件或其他工作。When machine is running, never use your hand to touch the workpiece or the grinding wheel, never measure the workpiece or the other work.
不准在有震动的砂轮上工作。It is never allowed to use the vibrating grinding wheel.
下班时,先将水管关住,不要立即停机,要空转五分钟,把砂轮上的水份甩掉,否则,砂轮失去平衡,下次使用时不安全。When the operators should be off duty, should turn off the coolant, but do not stop the machine immediately.
工件型号的调出和登陆(上载和保存)Part no. calling and login (upload and save)
更换工件型号时,按下示要领进行When changing part NO., follow the instruction as follows:
按“Machine Menu”键,选“锡机”项。Press “Machine Menu”, select “锡机”.
选择最后一页,即可看到系统里所存储的加工程序select last page and can see the processing procedures in stored.
通过方向键和转换键选择好程序 select the program by direction button and shift button
选中“上载”,按“INPUT”,就可调出所需要的程序 Pitch on “upload”, press “INPUT”, then you may get the program needed.
更换新型号时先设定好所要求的参数,输入程序项目,然后按“保存”即可。When changing part no, first set up the required parameters and input the program item, then press “ save”.
变更加工条件时,按下示要领进行follow the instruction when changing processing condition
确认加工型号机械Confirm model processing machine
按“Machine Menu”键,选“R参数”就可对R参数进行设定Press “Machine Menu”, then select “R Parameter” to set up R parameter.
自动加工(Auto模式) Automatic processing (Auto mode)
Press “Ref” to return each component to original position.
按“Auto”键显示“自动加工模式”画面,并自动动复位循环一次Press “Auto” Press “Auto” button to get “Auto Processing Mode” interface and the machine will recycle the reset cycle once
确认设定条件(可任意变更)Confirming set up condition (can change randomly)
按机床操作面板上的“循环启动”按钮和双“确认”开关,可连续重复循环Press “Recycle Set-up” and double confirm switch on the machine control panel and the machine will cycle continuously.
请按“异常复位”按钮开关press “Abnormal Reset” after problem settled.
出现故障时,会在状态栏显示故障类型。When a problem arises, status bar will show the type.
工装交换顺序:Tooling exchange sequence:
工装的详细交换顺序,参照“工装换型”refer to “tooling change” for detailed exchange sequence
在此模式下,手动执行参考点的返回: perform the return of reference point by hand on this mode.
检查机床防护罩壳是否齐备。Check if machine shield is complete
检查机床各电气开关位置及通电状态是否正常,冷却水是否充分。Check the electric switch position, power connection, and if coolant is enough.
核对标准件,检查、校对量仪。Check standard piece, calibration and inspection measuring instrument
打开电气总开关,按“油泵启动”钮26,双确认启动油泵。Open electric switch, then Press “Start Pump” button (26), then double check the pump is started.
按“砂轮启动”钮27,双确认启动砂轮约五分钟。Press “Grinding Wheel Start” button (27), then double check that grinding wheel is started for 5 minutes .
调整进给及主轴控制倍率30. Adjust feed-in and main shaft control ratio factor (30).
按“工件启动”钮29。Press “Work piece Start” button (29).
正常加工Normal processing:
将被加工工件置于托盘。Put the workpiece on the tray
按“Auto”钮使指示灯亮,即为自动状态。Press “Auto” to turn on the indicator light and it means that the machine is in automatic mode.
按“循环启动”钮28并双手确认进行循环加工。磨削工件至要求尺寸,磨架自动后退。Press “cycle start” button (28) and both hands confirm switch When the workpiece reaches required size, the feed slide will withdraw automatically.
取下工件,擦净工件,检查加工质量。Take off workpiece, then clean it and check processing quality.
按照工艺要求检查各项目,控制加工质量。Check each property according to process Spec. to control processing quality.
零件加工后应擦净、防锈、装箱,不合格品及时处理。After processing, workpiece should be cleaned, processed anti-rust and packaged . the unqualified parts should be dealt in time.
应急处理操作顺序Emergency disposal steps:
机床运作时发生工件失磁,砂轮碎裂等情况立即按“总停”按钮或“紧急复位”按钮。 Whenever the magnet-loss happen or wheel becomes broken, press the ‘stop’ or ‘ emergency reposition’.
关机顺序Turn on and turn off steps:
等待工件停止、工作台退回原位,按“砂轮停止”按钮约1~2分钟。After workpiece stopped and work table returned to original position, press “Grinding wheel stop” button and wait for 1-2 min.
按“油泵停止”按钮。Press “Pump stop” button
关闭机床电源。Close machine power.
查看交班记录Check shift hand over record。
检查机床各电气开关位置及通电状态是否正常。Check position of each switch on the machine, and power connect.
领取合适的砂轮,检查砂轮质量,做好砂轮静平衡。Get suitable grinding wheel. Check grinding wheel quality and check grinding wheel static balance. NO STATIC BALANCE
选择合适的工件轴转速,装好砂轮。Choose suitable rotating speed for work spindle, and install grinding wheel.
安装磁极。Install magnetic driver
若磁极需修磨,启动砂轮,启动油泵(液压)开关If driver needs grinding: turn the oil pump( hydraulic switch) and start wheel
选择X轴(砂轮进给)及倍率Select X-axis(grinding wheel infeed) and set proper position and rate.
通过“手轮”手动前移工作台至工作位 Move forward the work table to the work position by ‘hand wheel’
启动工件轴,进行磁极修磨 Start workpiece axis to grind magnetic driver.
修完磁极,后退磨架,关闭工件轴、砂轮轴 When finished, back the grinding wheel away and turn off the work and wheel spindles
检查磁极修磨质量,端面跳动应不大于0.003mm Check the driver run out. The run out of the end face should be less than 0.003mm.
Adjustment amount of the offset. Larger offset is benefit to the stability of parts in the grinding process, however, will increase the friction of the 2 shoes so that increase the possibility of the scratch and burning. The offset (e) should be set between 0.20~0.50mm according to the size of piece and working condition. For the details, find in the item of ‘changing tooling’
紧固支承,检查工件装夹是否可靠。Tighten supporting,
调整进给量,调整磨架与工件相对位置,即“对刀”,详细步骤见“工装换型”项。 Adjust infeed amount, adjust distance between wheel and work piece. find details in “changing tooling”
安置防护罩,按“Auto”置自动,装上工件,试磨。Install guard, then press “Auto”, then load work piece, then trial of grinding.
调整检查仪器,检查试磨工件各项目,直至各项要求符合工艺要求方可正常生产。Set the bench gage (per master), then check each item of trial workpiece. Only when each item meet process requirement, we can start massive Production.
在进行工装交换前,请按后附表“工装明细表”进行准备。Before exchanging equipment, prepare the following "Tooling List".
注:工装有其各自的适应范围,但如现有工件的型号与将要更换的工件型号有互换性的话,则不需更换。Note: Many tooling items have range adaptabilities. If the current work piece will be replaced with a work piece with similar dimensions and features, then it may not be necessary to replace all the tooling.
用专用内六角扳手34逆时针旋下砂轮轴螺帽Screw off the nut of grinding wheel spindle counterclockwise with spanner.
从后往前轻轻推动砂轮盘使其松动,然后用专用吊杆35插入吊孔,并由吊车移走进行更换Pull the wheel disc lightly to become loose, then insert suspender (35) into lifting eyelet, and remove them by crane to replace.
Put the grinding wheel on the suitable surface; do not let the wheel contact directly with the ground. Do keep it flat to prevent damages.
卸下料爪。Uninstalling loading plug.
安装磁极13时边旋转边安装,然后对称拧紧紧固螺钉39,最好使用千分表打在磁极端面上,使紧固螺钉后其端面跳动量在0.003mm以下。Rotate the magnetic driver(13) when installing l it, and tighten the mounting screws (39) symmetrically. Put the Micrometer on the surface of magnetic driver, so that we can make the end face run out below 0.003m .
松开螺丝40 Unscrew 40
将41轴顶出Push out shaft 41
更换支承头42 Install 42 instead
然后将轴41安装好,拧紧固定螺丝40 Install shaft 41,screw 40
将更换好的支承块安装到底座上去,拧上螺丝43别太紧,调好偏心量后再紧固Install the replaced shoe block to the pedestal. Do not screw 43 too tight until the offset is adjusted well.
将一个工件44放置在端面磁极上,同时在工件直径方向架设磁性百分表45 上磁,并且使工件44低速转动(<10 转/分钟),Put the workpiece (44) on the surface of magnetic driver, put an indicator (45)above the part, and make sure (44) to rotate it at low speed (<10转/min),
使表45接触到工件表面,读取数据let the indicator (45) touch the part’s surface to read the data
根据偏心量进行调整工件44的位置。当工件最高点与最低点之间的差距保持在合理的范围(根据不同的产品规格一般在0.2~0.5mm之间),记下最高点位置并使其转到离下(右)支承37位置15°左右Adjust D’S position of workpiece (44) according to the Eccentricity. When the workpiece D gap between the highest and lowest point in maintaining reasonable limits (According to the product specifications, generally between 0.2mm and 0.5mm), record the highest position and make the workpiece rotate to a position which has a 15o from lower (right side) (37) bearing position.
停止工件转动,保持工件磁性,同时使支承块37,38与工件44表面完全接触,拧紧工件固定螺丝46 Stop rotating, keep the magnetism activated. Meanwhile,make the shoes (37) and (38) entirely contact the workpiece (44) surface and then tighten the mounting screws (46).
偏心量调整完成后,需要对偏心量进行确认,使工件按正常转速旋转,观察表45的数值变化,应该在0~0.05mm的范围以内。After completing offset adjustment, we need to confirm the offset. Let the piece park rotate at the normal speed and observe indicator (45) numerical changes, which should be between 0mm and 0.05mm.
轴表面涂润滑脂,方便砂轮安装Smear grease lubricant on shaft surface so that the wheel can be installed easily.
安装时注意平稳放入,不可以使用重力敲打砂轮Put the wheel into the chuck steadily, and do not hit it heavily.
安装砂轮法兰盘并用木榔头敲紧 Install the flange and hammer it with a wooden hammer
拧紧紧固螺钉,有必要时做静平衡 Then screw down the mounting bolt. Do Static balance if necessary. STATIC BALANCE SHOULD NOT BE NECESSARY
使用起吊设备将砂轮安装到砂轮轴上,注意要轻放,对准定位键47 Fit the wheel to the wheel shaft with lifting equipment. Do handle it with great care and aim the locator key (47).
安装砂轮侧面罩壳,外罩壳及动平衡仪Install wheel side guard , outer guard and dynamic balancing head.
使挡料块36接触磁极端面,需留点间隙Move the stop block (36) near the end surface of magnetic driver with a little clearance
动工件从磁极端面由下料方向滑动,测试挡料块36与磁极端面是否在同一平面Make the workpiece slip from the end surface of magnetic driver in the unloading direction .Do the test whether the stop block (36) and the end surface of magnetic driver are in the same plane.
松动两紧固螺丝48,通过50调整工件的前后位置; Unscrew two holding screws (48), and adjust the position of the workpiece through (50);
松动两紧固螺丝49,通过51调整工件的角度。Unscrew two holding screws (49), and adjust the angle of the workpiece through (51)
使砂轮磨削面与工件滚道基本平行并正好位于滚道内不接触两挡边。分别紧固定螺丝48、49,同时注意工件前后位置的变化,及时进行调整 Make OD of grinding wheel parallel with race of workpiece and align them without touching flange of race both ends. Fasten screws (48) and (49). Adjust it according to position of workpiece in time.
机床通电,所有坐标轴回参考点 Turn the power on. All coordinate axis return to the reference points.
将工件正确放置在端面磁极13 上Place the workpiece onto the magnetic face (13) correctly
进入“JOG”模式,分别激活Z或W轴, Enter JOG, make Z and W axes activated,
选择适当倍率,并连续或点动Z或W轴,使金刚笔尖52趋近砂轮 Select proper override and touch Z or W axis continuously and make the diamond pen (52) points to the grinding wheel closely
确定砂轮修整位R39及往复起始点R41(W轴修整左位)坐标值,同时确定W轴修整往复量(约砂轮宽度前后多出1mm) Confirm the coordinate mark of the finishing place R39 of the grinding wheel and the original to and fro place R41 (W axis, dressing left).Also, confirm the dressing amount to and fro on W axis. (At most 1 mm above the grinding wheel width. NEED CLARIFICATION OF THIS SECTION
进入“AUTO”模式,进行无凸度长修。Enter AUTO, perform the long dress without arc.
砂轮修整结束,然后进入“JOG”模式,分别激活X轴,选择适当倍率,连续或点动X轴,使砂轮趋近工件磨削起始点,记住当前X轴坐标,即为磨削原位、快靠量与快趋量之和After dressing the grinding wheel, enter JOG, make the X axis activated, and choose the proper override, touch X axis continuously and make the grinding wheel be close to the start point of the grinding, remember the X axis coordinate as the start point of grinding, and calculate the sum of the rapid travel amount and rapid close amount.
停止砂轮,设定磨削参数 Stop the grind wheel and set up the grinding parameters.
确认没有问题以后,启动设备进行试磨Make sure it is ok, and then start the machine for the grinding test.
试磨后根据工艺要求进行检查。首件合格后记录工件检查数据,进行下一步的工作;首件不合格,需要重新进行参数设置或者对设备进行再调整。After the test, check it according to the process requirements. If the first workpiece is qualified, record the data and go on the next step; if the fist workpiece is unqualified, change the parameter and adjust the machine.
下测头 lower gage head 上测头upper gage head
上测头调整步骤:Adjustment steps of upper gage head
调节测头上下滑动螺钉及测头 adjust the sliding screw up and down and gage head
使测头与工件滚道适当部位紧密接触后拧紧Tighten the screw after the measuring point contacts the work piece race in the proper position
测爪收 gage finger closed
松开固定螺丝55 loosen screw (55)
旋转调节螺丝54直到调零circumrotating and adjusting the screws (54) until zero
拧紧固定螺丝55 Tighten the mounting screws (55)
下测头同样调整。Follow the same steps with lower gage head for the down measurement
调整完毕后,手动“测头张、收”,看其变化情况,若变化大,重新调整。After the adjusting, open and close the gage fingers manually then observe the variation, if the variation is big, then readjust it.
在马波斯上设定所需参数,开始使用“仪表磨削”试磨工件。Set up the gage parameters as required then grind a trial part using gage control. 正确安装料爪及调整托盘,以便于上、下料顺畅。Install the loading plug and adjust the work piece tray correctly so as to make the work piece load and unload smoothly
将料爪装在料臂上,拧紧螺丝56。Mount the load plug to the loader arm and tighten screws (56)
调整托盘57,使料臂插入工件流畅,无磕碰。Adjust work piece tray (57) so as to make the load plug fit smoothly inside the work piece.
用金刚石修整砂轮是:必须合理选择金刚石的颗粒大小,金刚石大小应根据砂轮尺寸的大小来选择;砂轮直径在100mm以下时选0.25克拉的金刚石,砂轮直径在100mm以上时选0.1~1克拉的金刚石Dress wheel with diamond: choose proper size diamond according to wheel size. Wheel diameter below 100mm, choose 0.25 carat diamond; choose 0.1-1 carat diamond when wheel diameter above 100mm.
安装金刚石前和使用过程中,要经常检查金刚石的焊接是否牢固以及是否有裂纹,以免修整时金刚石脱落During installation and using, check if diamond is durable or if it has cracks to avoid breaking off when dressing.
装在砂轮修整器中的金刚石杆,外伸长度要短,装夹要牢固,以免修整时发生抖动,影响修整质量The diamond pole installed in dresser should be short on extend length, jig should be strong. It will avoid vibration when dressing which will affect dressing quality.
修整时切削液应充分,不允许间断地浇筑切削液,以免金刚石因骤冷骤热而碎裂;Coolant should be enough when grinding. Coolant flow interruption is prohibited to avoid diamond cracks because of rapid temperature change.
砂轮牌号标识检查。砂轮没有牌号标识或标识不清,不能确认砂轮性能的,不管是否有缺陷,都不能使用。Wheel sign inspection. If there is no sign or sign is not clear, don’t use it no matter it is defective or not.
砂轮缺陷检查。其方法有两种:目测检查、声音检查 。Wheel defectiveness inspection. Two methods: visual inspection and sound inspection.
目测检查是用肉眼或仪器观察砂轮表面是否有裂纹或破损等缺陷;并察看砂轮端面是否有硬度检测痕。Visual inspection is check by eyes or instrument to see if there is crack or break, and check if there is hardness inspection mark at end.
声音检查主要是对砂轮的内部缺陷,是用小木锤或扳手轻轻敲击砂轮。根据敲击的声音判断砂轮是否正常。正常的砂轮声音清脆;不好的有内部裂纹的砂轮声音沉闷、嘶哑 。Sound inspection is to check wheel internal defect through knock gently by hand or small wooden hammer. Judging knock sound to see if wheel is normal, if the sound is clear, the wheel is normal, if tedious and hoarse, the wheel has internal crack.
根据砂轮牌号上标注的安装尺寸核对砂轮轴安装面的尺寸。Check wheel shaft install side size according to install size on the sign.
将砂轮装到砂轮轴上,不能用力挤压。Put the wheel to the shaft, don’t extrude by force.
砂轮轴侧面安装面与砂轮端面之间要垫一层石棉垫或其它材料的隔垫,使紧固砂轮压紧力均匀分布。Lay some asbestos or other material underlayer between wheel shaft install side and wheel end to make compact force distribute equally.?????
砂轮锁紧螺钉的松紧程度应紧到带动砂轮不滑动为好,不能太紧。应按对角线顺序逐步锁紧,不能沿圆周方向锁紧螺钉,或一次把单个螺钉拧紧。锁紧砂轮,不能使用加力或接长扳手。Tighten wheel fix screw until wheel can not slide. Tighten screw in diagonal manner not in circle direction, or tighten single crew in one time. Don’t use additional force or extending spanner.
砂轮不平衡是由于砂轮重心与旋转轴线不重合引起的。不平衡的砂轮作高速旋转时,产生迫使砂轮偏离轴心线的离心力,引起机床振动,使主轴轴承迅速磨损,被加工工件表面产生振纹,增大表面粗糙度,甚至会使砂轮破裂,造成人身设备事故,因此砂轮的平衡是一项十分重要的工作Imbalance is caused when the wheel center and the rotation shaft is misalignment. High rotation of the imbalance wheel will produce eccentricity force which will cause the shaft misalignment and chatter of the machine, in this condition, the bearing shaft will worn out .chatter will occur on the surface of part, increase roughness, cause the wheel break and safety problem. So the balance of the wheel is very important.
砂轮不平衡一般有以下几个原因:The grinding wheel imbalance has the fellow reason;
砂轮本身各部分的密度不均匀Consistency asymmetry
砂轮的外形不正确,形状不对称Figuration is uncorrected and asymmetry.
砂轮安装在法兰盘上有偏心。Misalignment when assembly the wheel
According to the center of the wheel, there are two kinds of imbalance: static imbalance and act imbalance. Static imbalance only causes imbalance eccentricity force. act imbalance will occur when the wheel rotated and will cause the wheel wrest. When the thickness and diameter is small, the eccentricity force is small, so we can use the wheel without adjustment. But when the diameter is very big (about 250MM) or high speed grinding, we must balance the wheel.
Wheel balance means the center of the wheel is superposition with the rotation shaft .the methods of balance the wheel: static balance and homeostasis
Balance the wheel on the balance bracket before using. The wheel can be balance at any angle. This eliminate of eccentricity force is static balance. Normally, static balance can satisfy the manufacture.
静平衡砂轮的六个步骤Six steps of static balance:
将编有序号的三个平衡块以120°的间隔均匀地布置在法兰盘环形槽内,并固定好平衡块,防止滑动。Put three balance blocks on groove of the flange plate equally. About 120°between them. Fix the blocks in order to prevent slipping.
将已装好砂轮的法兰盘装上平衡心轴,放在已调好水平的平衡架的平衡轴上,并使平衡心轴的轴心线垂直于两根平衡轴的轴线。Assemble the balance mandrel into the flange plate which has been equipped the wheel, then put it on the balance axes shaft, and the axis of the balance mandrel should be perpendicular to the axis of the balance shaft.
转动砂轮。是平衡块2处于最高点,若砂轮向左或向右偏转时,则向右或向左移动调整平衡块,直至砂轮静止不动,然后锁紧平衡块。Dial the wheel. Put the two balance block at the highest point. The balance block move to left or right, the wheel will move to the opposite side. When the wheel stopped, we can lock the balance block.
将砂轮装过120°,使平衡块3处于高点,以同样方法调整平衡块位置,使砂轮静止不动后紧固平衡块。Move the wheel, about 120°,put the balance block 3 at the highest point. Adjust the block using the same methods. We can tight the block when the wheel stopped.
再将砂轮转过120°,使平衡块1处于高点,以同样方法使砂轮静止不动后紧固平衡块。Move the wheel, about 120°, put the balance block 1 at the highest point. Adjust the block using the same methods. We can tight the block when the wheel stopped.
用手轻轻拨动砂轮,如果在任何位置都能使砂轮静止不动,说明已平衡好,此时将平衡块固定紧。否则,应继续对砂轮进行平衡,直至平衡为止。然后从心轴上卸下砂轮装到机床上使用。Dial the wheel, if the wheel is stopped at any direction, it means the wheel is already balance, we can tight the balance block. If not, we should balance the wheel until it is balanced. Then disassemble the wheel from the mandrel, and then assemble it into the machine tool.
新砂轮一般要做两次平衡,第一次平衡的目的是消除砂轮在制造过程中由于质量偏差而产生的不平衡。装到机床上后,修整其外圆和端面,然后卸下来再进行第二次平衡。第二次平衡时必须严格要求,使砂轮在任何方向都能达到平衡。Generally, new wheel will balance twice. The first balance is to eliminate the imbalance which happened due to quality problem in manufacture. After set up, finish the out round and face. Then disassembly the wheel, and do the second balance. The second balance should be very strict .after the second balance, all the direction of the wheel will be balance.
静平衡往往受平衡架导轨水平精度、平衡心轴的弯曲变形、滚动摩察系数、操作方法等因素的影响,其平衡精度有限,精度保持性也差,操作时间长。 Static balance will affect the level precision, curve of the shaft, rolling friction coefficient, operation methods. The balance of the precision is limited, the maintenance of the precision is not very good, and the operation time is very long.
用水平仪将平衡架找正。Adjust the balance bracket by gradient.
将砂轮安装平衡心轴置于平衡架上,使其自然转动找正。Put the wheel on the balance mandrel
砂轮停稳后,最上部即为砂轮最轻点,将平衡块1装于最轻点部位;平衡块2、3分别置于平衡块1左右两边各90°处位置。When the wheel stopped, the top is the lightest part of the wheel. Put balance block 1 on the lightest point, balance block 2 and 3 around the balance block, about 90。
此时,看砂轮是否平衡好,如好可锁紧螺钉;如不平衡可将平衡块1左右移动,直至找到平衡点,并锁紧螺钉。Watch the wheel, if it is balanced, we can screw the bolt. If it is not balanced, move the balance block 1 to find the balance point and then screw the bolt.
将砂轮旋转向左向右90°,使平衡块2、3分别处于最高点,视其平衡情况调整,调整方法同第4条。Move the wheel to the left and right side ,about 90,put the balance block 2 and 3 at the highest point, adjust it according to the condition .the method is same with item 4.三点平衡调整完毕后,拨动砂轮,砂轮在任何位置静止不动视为平衡好;反之,按上面步骤继续调整,直至平衡为止。After three points balance adjustment, dial the wheel, the wheel is balance if it is static at any direction. If it is imbalance, we should adjust it according to the step above.
激磁故障magnetism issue
集中润滑报警centralized lubrication alarm
尺寸散差大Dimension variation is too much
修整砂轮后的精磨量过多或过少stock removal amount is too much or too little after dress
滚道圆锥角超差race taper angle out of tolerance
毛坯直径变动量大 diameter of the rough part varies a lot
粗磨削时烧伤过深,精磨留量太小burn too deep when rough grinding finish grind amount is not enough
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