

国际金属加工网 2022年05月23日





原定于2022年5月12-14日举办的2022亚洲3D打印、增材制造展览会将延期至 2022 年8月31日-9月2日举行,举办地点变更为:深圳国际会展中心(宝安)。









Notice of Postponement and Venue Change of

TCT Asia 2022

Dear Exhibitors and Prospective Visitors,

TCT Asia 2022 has been postponed due to the latest COVID developments and the further tightening of pandemic control measures in Shanghai and other provinces of China, and to protect the health and safety of all show participants as well as to ensure the best return on investment for our exhibitors and visitors. After consulting with the responsible governmental departments as well as key stakeholders the following decision has been made:

TCT Asia 2022 will now take place on 31 August-2 September,2022, and the show venue will be changed to Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center in Shenzhen.

As one of the driving engines of the Greater Bay Area development, Shenzhen is an important manufacturing and R&D center for innovative technology in China. Shenzhen has always adhered to the concept of open development and is also an important window for international exchanges. In relocating TCT Asia 2022 to Shenzhen, it will enable the additive manufacturing industry to tap into the emerging business opportunities in tandem with the further opening-up of the China market. In terms of epidemic control, Shenzhen has taken effective prevention and control measures, recorded zero local cases. ushering in the dawn of the recovery of the exhibition industry and will restart the exhibition at the end of May.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your continual support and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the show postponement and venue change. Please be assured that the TCT Asia team will always be at your service and will do our very best to assist you to tackle any difficulty arising from the show postponement.

Once again, our sincere apology for the show postponement and thank you for your support moving forward..

We look forward to meeting you in Shenzhen, the energetic city fueled by creativity and innovations. Let’s work together towards achieving greater heights!

Yours sincerely,

TCT Asia Team

VNU Rapid News Ltd.

May 23th 2022


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