Service Engineer/服务工程师
Working experience: 1~2 years
Office location: 上海市外高桥自贸区希雅路69号16号楼6层D(此职位需长期出差)
Potential candidates will need to show evidence of the following:
Solid technical background, i.e. mechanical engineering/electric engineering/computer science
Good interpersonal and communication skills
Team player
Commitment to customer satisfaction
At least three years’ machine maintenance experience, electrical and numeric control (Fanuc or Siemens) background and grinding knowledge is preferable.
Good at both spoken and written English or German.
Willing to travel frequently.
Your task will be
Diagnosing system alarms
Machine maintenance
Set up of new machine
Installation of options and operator training on new machine
Complete service and billing reports for each service call
The JUNKER Group_58_ a global specialist
The JUNKER Group is a world leading manufacturer of CBN high-speed grinding machines and offers a host of innovative grinding concepts from its machine portfolio. The ideal partner for diverse grinding applications, we supply entire groups, as well as medium-sized and small companies. All the renowned automobile manufacturers and suppliers, tool makers and companies in other industries rely on JUNKER technologies. For either mass or small series production_58_ JUNKER machines are highly precise, economical and reliable.
The JUNKER Group is a strong community. Some 1,400 employees realize corporate development, sales and production at 14 sites worldwide. Numerous patents pay testimony to the company’s technological leadership. Prime examples are the QUICKPOINT technology and the high-speed grinding with CBN and diamond grinding wheels.
Yet our goal extends to more than just the sale of highly-productive grinding machines. JUNKER Services now enables us to provide aftercare. The constantly growing service network around the globe supports the availability of each and every JUNKER grinding machine. JUNKER Services include training programs, a service hotline and maintenance, as well as future-oriented services such as production support or process optimization.
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