山特维克可乐满目前扩展了用于高温合金车削和铣削加工的赛阿龙陶瓷材质CC6060系列, 于10月1日最新推出了用于半精加工和精加工的产品。
Sialon grade provides increased opportunities in machining of heat resistant super alloys
Sandvik Coromant is extending its Sialon grade CC6060 range to support the turning and milling of heat resistant super alloys.These latest introductions available from October 1st include inserts for semi-finish to finish machining.
Sialon grade CC6060 is optimized for productivity benefits when it comes to larger diameter components and longer lengths of cut. With its excellent notch wear resistance, this grade also provides the confidence to machine at higher depths of cut than other ceramic grades and is able to cope with higher feed rates and longer continuous cuts.
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