总部位于瑞典的山特维克可乐满是山特维克集团旗下最大的金属切削刀具公司,成立于1942年。作为世界上金属切削刀具和相关技术领域的世界领先的知名企业, 山特维克可乐满致力于从客户的实际需要出发提供更适合的解决方案以帮助客户提高生产率、节约成本以及进行技术革新。目前,山特维克可乐满在全球拥有6000多名销售人员和技术专家, 在60多个国家和地区有分支机构和分销网络。分布于全球的20个装备一流的效率中心,不断向客户传递着如何提高生产效率的刀具解决方案。以“帮助提高用户生产效率,降低生产成本”为己任的山特维克可乐满高度重视中国市场。自1985年正式来到中国以来, 山特维克可乐满的服务网络已经覆盖了全国, 并在上海拥有装备一流的效率中心。欢迎登陆公司网站、了解更多信息: [暂不可见]romant.(暂不可见) 和 [暂不可见]romant.(暂不可见)/cn
职位名称:Pricing & Profitability Specialist
q Responsible for pricing and profitability control in Great China Region including Hong Kong and
q Provide analytical support to senior management, through developing a set of key indicators and reports to measure business performance, and support business decisions.
q Analyze data about customer consumptions in order to set up feasible price frame in system. Follow up discount and net price settings in system and monitor the actual sales price agreement implementation.
q Provide data and analysis to support business cases for potential opportunities or initiatives with closed cooperation with internal and external colleagues in all Sandvik subsidiaries.
q Working with cross functional teams to identify, analyze, and recommend resolution to business issues and profitability management.
q Evaluating pricing and profitability performance vs. expectations, to identify variance drivers and improvement opportunities. Report to headquarters when received requests.
q Bachelor or above degree in Statistics, Finance, Marketing or related major;
q 4-5 years working experience in multi-national companies;
q Good knowledge of pricing and profitability analysis with at least two years related working experience;
q Well organized & outstanding analytical and problem solving abilities.
q Teamwork and interpersonal skills a must ;
q Excellent communication and presentation skills to clearly present pricing and profitability development in verbal, written and presentation formats;
q Excellent command and knowledge of MS Windows, Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Access;
q Fluent in English and Mandarin.
山特维克 可乐满人力资源部收
邮编: 100004
E-mail: hr.china@(暂不可见)
电话:010-6539 9888 /6539 9933
传真:010-6539 9890
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