——EMAG ECM GmbH- A PECM Cost-Saving Approach to Blisk Manufacturing EMAG ECM GmbH, 2012
The emergence of BLISK(Bladed integrated Disk) is in order to meet the market demand calls, comparing with conventional separable assembled rotor blades and disk counterparts, due to the reduction in the conventional connector assembly parts of the disk lugs, blade root groove, etc.; the rim load lower. The essential advantages are that they reduce weight up to 30% as well as reduce aerodynamic losses by avoiding disk lugs air leakage flows, thus improve aerodynamic efficiency and the power output, specially it enables reduce in fuel consumption and exhaust gas volume emissions. Retracing the history of Blisk development, it’s application initially used in high-pressure compressors and commercial compressors. It is the most innovative and challenging components of modern gas turbine engine.
图1: 整体叶盘模拟图 Fig. 1: CAD Blisk
Markt demond-Preparing for the Global Challenges of 2020
European aviation is experiencing a golden age which shows no sign of slowing. The continuous growth in world air transport - passengers and freight - experienced since the 1960s is set to continue at a rate of at least 5% a year over the next two decades. The latest Airbus forecasts indicate that this will mean a demand for 7600 new aircraft every decade - or a market estimated at 1300 billion Euros by 2019. As a vital sector in the European - and American - industrial dynamic, aircraft manufacture must therefore continue to innovate if it is to win these large markets.
The main objectives of the Aeronautics key action
35% reduction in production costs
20% reduction in development time
20% reduction in fuel consumption
Increased reliability
10 dB reduction in sound level
20% reduction in CO2 emissions
80% reduction in NOx
Optimization of airspace use
25% reduction in maintenance costs
Reduced rate of accidents
数据来源Quelle: http://ec.europa.eu/research/rtdinfo/en/28/aero1.html
Fig.: Flight amount in personal-kilometer worldwide
Growth in the production and use of blisks becomes clearly apparent. The trend is driven
also by increasing use in commercial engines. In the face of aggravating competition, individual AND cost saving manufacturing processes and moreover complete tailor made short foot prints- process chains need continuous optimization to satisfy market requirements.
Main approaches for manufacturing blisk airfoils
The major alternative process for blisk machining:
High Performance overall milling
•多轴联动数控精密电解: 由于整体刀具成本的显著降低,电解以及精密电解正在发展成为高温合金材料整体叶盘最佳的加工工艺
Multi-axis linkage CNC PECM (precise electrochemical machining): Due to the significant tool cost saving, precise electro-chemical machining (PECM) is developing to become the most preferred manufacturing approach for blisk in nickel alloys.
埃马克电化学有限公司最新开发的PO 900 BF精密多轴联动高频窄脉冲电解加工中心及全套交钥匙工艺-从整体叶盘毛坯的初成行叶片套料加工(大量去除材料初步选择性的实现叶片扭曲角度以及叶片轮廓)直到最终叶片型面成型完整的工艺链工件交钥匙解决方案。
EMAG ECM GmbH developed its own new multi-axis PECM machining center and a whole tailor made process turnkey solution- from blisk rough majority material removing (masking roughing machining for majority material removing results in airfoil twisting pre-conture) till airfoil profile final conture.
1. 高效整体铣削
High Performance overall milling
This refers to cutting processes used to manufacture airfoils on 5- or 6-axis machine tools , with differentiation being made between rough and finish cutting. Typical processes of the kind are circular stagger milling in conjunction with high-performance tools and high-pressure internal cooling for the rough cut, The most common practice is point milling using a ball-end cutter and stripe or flank milling, etc., for the finish cut.
2. 多轴联动数控精密电解: 由于整体刀具成本的显著降低,电解以及精密电解正在发展成为高温合金材料整体叶盘最佳的加工工艺
Multi-axis linkage CNC PECM (precise electrochemical machining): Due to the significant tool cost saving, precise electro-chemical machining (PECM) is developing to become the most preferred manufacturing approach for blisk in nickel alloys.
Multi-axis linkage CNC PECM (precise electrochemical machining) combined both advantages from CNC machining and PECM machining, there is not tool wear, no macro cutting force, especially suitable for high presuure compressor at end of the high-temperature zone with nikle alloy or titanium alloy of more twisted airfoil.
Precise electro-chemical machining (PECM) – an advanced technology for machining blisks
Precise electro-chemical machining (PECM) derives from the widely used electro-chemical
machining (ECM) technique. It is characterized by very small working gap between the electrode and the workpiece. This enables highly precise copy conformance of the workpiece shape to that of the cathode. Herewith, EMAG ECM GmbH develop its own cathode design software for airfoil radius or others profile zone compensation conformance during PECM Processes. Morevoer, this PECM process doesn’t generate any wear at the electrode, even when working on nickel alloys comparing with CNC milling process that are difficult to machine.
Because of the narrow working gap between electrode and workpiece, good exchange of the electrolyte is ensured only provided the electrode is set in an osccillating motion. In synchronism with the oscillating motion, a direct current pulse (material removal pulse) is superimposed and material is removed only when the gap is at its narrowest. This appreciably reduces the effective feed rate. EMAG ECM GmbH develp this technique with it new machine PO 900 BF with it the machining tolerances of airfoil ≤0,06mm (shape) and Surface quality of suitable materials of Ra ≤0,2 μmcan be reachable.
由于工件与电极之间较窄的加工间隙,电解液的充分交换需要通过电极的振动才能完成,在振动过程中,在电极与工件接触最近的时候或者说振动幅最大时配给电流,此电流进行材料去除加工, 显然整体的加工进给速度会降低,埃马克电化学有限公司最新开发的PO 900 BF精密多轴联动高频窄脉冲电解加工中心可以最终达到叶片型面轮廓精度≤0,06mm一般高温合金材料表面光洁度Ra ≤0,2 μm。
图3:精密振动电解加工原理 Fig. 3: PECM Eccentric vibration theory
图4: 机械振动与电脉冲配合的复合机械电加工
Fig. 4: Puls-ECM current combined with Oszillation (Puls-Packet)
Examples of Process Comparison
Comparing with the High Performance overall milling as well as its tooling cost is also very expensive. The following comparing sheet shows some simple process foot print and cost comparison between High Performance overall milling and Multi-axis linkage CNC PECM for blisk machining of a blisk with diameter around 600mm, material is nickel base alloy, the number of airfoils is more than 70, the machining area of each foil single side is around 12cm2 :
5. 埃马克多轴联动数控精密电解整体叶盘加工可达到的工艺指标
埃马克电化学有限公司最新开发的PO 900 BF精密多轴联动高频窄脉冲电解加工中心及全套交钥匙工艺-从整体叶盘毛坯的初成行叶片套料加工(大量去除材料初步选择性的实现叶片扭曲角度以及叶片轮廓)直到最终叶片型面成型完整的工艺链工件交钥匙解决方案。
EMAG ECM GmbH developed its own new multi-axis PECM machining center and a whole tailor made process turnkey solution- from blisk rough majority material removing (masking roughing machining for majority material removing results in airfoil twisting pre-conture) till airfoil profile final conture.
● 叶片型面轮廓精度≤0,06mm
Achievable tolerances of airfoil ≤0,06mm (shape)
● 一般高温合金材料表面光洁度Ra ≤0,2 μm
Surface quality of suitable materials of Ra ≤0,2 μm
● 采用数控多轴联动电解工艺进行叶片套料加工,其进刀速度≤ 2mm/min
EMAG Multi-axis linkage CNC machining with infeed rate for airfoil ECM rough machining step is ≤ 2mm/min.
● 采用数控多轴联动精密电解加工工艺,其进刀速度约为0,1-0,2mm/min(叶片套料加工余量1mm ),并不会因为叶片面积以及材料以及几何尺寸都会对进刀速度的提高产生显著影响。
EMAG Multi-axis linkage CNC machining with infeed rate for finish machining is 0,1-0,2mm/min. (around 1mm stock). In a wide range of geometries infeed is independent of foil area or size, this means cycle time is constant without increase.
● 埃马克多轴联动数控精密电解工艺是完整工艺,不需要之后抛光以及对于叶片进排气边缘进行再次加工
EMAG Multi-axis linkage PECM blisk machining process, there is no subsequent machining required like polishing or airfoil edge machining.
● 埃马克多轴联动数控精密电解工艺是完整工艺是刀具无损耗工艺,在同一型号叶盘下的所有叶片可以使用同一套阴极制具完成加工,并多次使用。
EMAG Multi-axis linkage PECM blisk machining process in principle is free of wear. This means hundreds of foils can be machined with the same tooling.
● 埃马克多轴联动数控精密电解机床的投资可以视客户具体加工整体叶盘的尺寸以及电流配备,电解液系统配备进行特制化量身订制的投资。
EMAG Multi-axis linkage PECM blisk machine investment costs depend on the size of the workpieces. Equipment is completely adjustable to customer requests regarding electrical power supply and filtration system.
图5: EMAG PECM PO 900 BF 精密五轴电解加工中心
Fig. 5: EMAG PECM PO 900 BF Machine Center
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