
好富顿:全球新Logo 发布


  I am pleased to share the new Houghton brand with you. Below is the new Houghton logo, the most visible element of our brand. Keep an eye out for it, as you will be seeing it worldwide.


  The other key element in our brand is our tagline: “Fluid Partnerships Making a World of Difference.”


  “Fluid Partnerships Making a World of Difference.”

  The brand reflects the new face of Houghton, which, after numerous acquisitions, is a new company focused on serving you better than ever before. The new Houghton is staffed by associates from a diverse mix of experiences with broad-ranging talents, comprised of associates from the original company, recent acquisitions and new hires. They bring a fresh commitment to making Houghton the world leader.


  The updated brand represents Houghton’s dedication to provide you with truly global products and services, and it is a beacon that heralds our commitments to you:


  •Product quality;


  •Technical innovation; and


  •Problem-solving expertise.


  The logo retains our highly-recognized “H” and our orange and black color scheme, but it has been updated to reflect our vision for the future. The wave of the crossbar of the “H” represents fluids. That is the strongest element and reinforces Houghton’s key strengths of fluid innovation and quality. The circle around the “H” represents three important Houghton elements:

  新的logo保留了被广泛认可的“H”字样, 以及橙-黑色的配色方案。新logo的改变,表达了我们对于未来的愿景。H字母中的波浪形即代表介质,这是logo中最有力的元素,强调了好富顿的核心优势,即是介质的研发创新及产品品质。H”外的圈状代表了好富顿的三个重要特点:

  •The global reach of Houghton’s people, products and service


  •The fluid life cycle and green initiatives


  •Total commitment to service and support customers


  We will also be launching a new website shortly. It also has a new look and improved functionality so you have a great online experience.


  Rest assured that not everything at Houghton is changing. Neither your contacts and representatives have changed, nor have the great products you’ve come to rely on. Houghton is more stable and reliable today than we’ve ever been. We’re excited to prove to you that we are living up to our new brand.


  If you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts on our new brand, please contact your Houghton representative or your local Houghton office. We look forward to continuing to serve you with the best fluids, products and services.



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