

  埃马克机床(太仓)有限公司现公开招贤纳士,申报表和具体要求如下(点击下载)另请注明是从国际金属加工网看到的。联系电话:0512-53574098, 联系人:张蕴玉,邮箱:yyzhang@emag-china.com  

  招聘岗位:磨床应用技术工程师,拟招人数 1

  岗位职责简述:(工作地点 太仓)
  1. 准备磨床切削方案和报价。
  2. 和用户交流, 了解用户技术要求, 并和用户交流技术方案。
  3. 协助磨床技术研讨会。
  4. 与德国技术部门进行项目方案沟通和交流。
  5. 部门经理交待的其它事情。

  年龄:25-35     性别:男
  专业:机械, 机电一体化或工科背景专业            
  相关工作经验: 有二年以上磨床类背景工作经验优先
  其它:细心, 耐心, 工作认真负责, 团队合作精神。

  专业素质要求:熟悉机床设备,有磨床, 砂轮等磨床背景工作经验优先,良好的学习及理解能力,良好英语的阅读及交流能力。
  报告对象: 应用技术部经理

  Profile of Position(1)

  Client:EMAG Machine Tools (Taicang) Co., Ltd.
  Title:Electrical engineer in workshop
  Area:Based in Taicang
  1. Assemble local machines according to production plan ( Electrical part)
  2. Installation and commissioning new machines in customers’ site.
  3. Good coordination and communication with external customers.
  4. Participate any kind of training actively and improve production and service capability.
  5. Finish temporary work from department manager.

  Profile of Candidate:

  Education: Associate degree holder in mechanical engineering or manufacturing engineering.
  Age: Approximately 30 years
  Sexuality:  Male

  Professional Background:

  1.  Good knowledge of basic machine tools  
  2.  Information technology basics of MS Office –package,
  3.  More than 5 years experience in machine tool
  1. Excellent communication skills combined with the ability to the customer and colleague.
  2. Several years of professional experience in an international company is an advantage.


  Besides the Chinese mother tongue (Mandarin) a good command of the English language written and spoken.

  Salary:   Fixed salary and performance related bonus

  Profile of Position(2):

  Client:EMAG Machine Tools (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

  Title: Service engineer

  Area:Based in Taicang


  1: Understand EMAG machines’ function and technology solution.

  2: Installation and commissioning new machine in customers’ site.

  3: Be responsible for training customers about our machine

  4: Give customers technical support by phone and maintain      machines in customers’ site.

  5: Good coordination and communication with external customers.

  6: Accept customers’ complaint and feedback in time.

  7: Participate any kind of training actively and improve service    capability.

  8: Assemble local machines in Taicang workshop according to    production arrangement.

  9: Finish temporary works from department leader.

  Profile of Candidate:

  Education:College degree holder in mechanical engineering or manufacturing engineering.

  Age: Approximately 30 years


  Professional Background:

  1.      Good knowledge of basic machine tools, Know Siemens 840D and Fanuc 18i very well.  

  2.      Information technology basics of MS Office –package,

  3.      More than 5 years experience in machine tool


  1.     Excellent communication skills combined with the ability to the customer and colleague.

  2.     Several years of professional experience in an international company is an advantage.


  Besides the Chinese mother tongue (Mandarin) a good command of the English language written and spoken.

  Salary:Fixed salary and performance related bonus

  Profile of Position(3):

  Client:    EMAG Machine Tools (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
  Title:    Service engineer  training
  Area:    Based in Taicang
  1: Understand EMAG machines’ function and technology solution.
  2: Be responsible for training customers about our machine in  technology school or customer’s site.
  3: Be responsible for daily work of technology school, Including preparation of training documentation and the quotation of training etc.
  4: Good coordination and communication with external customers.
  5: Accept customers’ complaint and feedback in time.
  6: Participate any kind of training actively and improve training    capability.
  7: Finish temporary works from department leader.

  Profile of Candidate:

  Education: College degree holder in mechanical engineering or manufacturing engineering.
  Age: Approximately 30 years

  Professional Background:

  1.  Good knowledge of basic machine tools, Know Siemens 840D and Fanuc 18i very well.  
  2.  Information technology basics of MS Office –package,
  3.  More than 5 years experience in machine tool
  1. Excellent communication skills combined with the ability to the customer and colleague.
  2. Several years of professional experience in an international company is an advantage.

  Languages: Besides the Chinese mother tongue (Mandarin) a good command of the English language written and spoken.

  Salary:   Fixed salary and performance related bonus

  Profile of Position(4):

  Client:    EMAG Machine Tools (Taicang) Co., Ltd.
  Title:    Electrical engineer in workshop
  Area:    Based in Taicang
  1. Assemble local machines according to production plan ( Electrical part)
  2. Installation and commissioning new machines in customers’ site.
  3. Good coordination and communication with external customers.
  4. Participate any kind of training actively and improve production and service capability.
  5. Finish temporary work from department manager.

  Profile of Candidate:

  Education:  Associate degree holder in mechanical engineering or manufacturing engineering.
  Age:    Approximately 30 years
  Sexuality: Male

  Professional Background:

  1.  Good knowledge of basic machine tools  
  2.  Information technology basics of MS Office –package,
  3.  More than 5 years experience in machine tool
  1. Excellent communication skills combined with the ability to the customer and colleague.
  2. Several years of professional experience in an international company is an advantage.

  Languages: Besides the Chinese mother tongue (Mandarin) a good command of the English language written and spoken.

  Salary:   Fixed salary and performance related bonus


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