山特维克可乐满:CoroThread 266 C槽形 提高加工安全性
CoroThread 266 C槽形提高了加工安全性
山特维克可乐满10月1日推出的一款新产品将大大提高您螺纹车削的安全性,优化切屑控制的C槽型刀片将为CoroThread 266产品系列锦上添花,能帮助您实现连续的无人值守加工,减少停机次数。
进刀方式对螺纹车削性能有着直接的影响,特别是切屑控制和螺纹质量。CoroThread 266 C槽型刀片的断屑器必须在采用1°进刀角这种侧向进刀改进方式时方能发挥作用,同时这一进刀角还能避免切削刃与零件螺纹表面的磨擦。
CoroThread 266 C槽型刀片现已推出适用于外圆螺纹切削的GC1125材质和适用于内圆螺纹切削的GC1135材质。
CoroThread 266 C geometry improves machining security
October 1st sees the launch of increased threading security from Sandvik Coromant. With the addition of new C-geometry chip forming inserts to the established CoroThread 266 program, you can maximize chip control to enable more continuous unsupervised machining, without interruption.
Available in size 16 mm, the new inserts have a chip former near the tip.This helps to steer and control the chip providing high machining security, especially for internal threading, where efficient chip evacuation is vital for continuous machining.
The method of infeed has a direct influence on threading performance, in particular, chip control and thread quality. The chip former on the new inserts functions with 1° modified flank infeed, where the insert approach is modified (angled) slightly to avoid the edge rubbing on the component surface.
New C-geometry inserts are available in grades in GC1125 for external threading and GC1135 for internal threading.
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