山特维克可乐满:新型CoroMill 325确保更快、更精确的螺纹旋风铣
新型CoroMill 325确保更快、更精确的螺纹旋风铣
10月1日,山特维克可乐满推出了新型CoroMill 325螺纹旋风铣刀和刀片。
螺纹旋风铣是一种在细长的难加工材料上进行快速而精确的螺纹加工的方法。将螺纹旋风铣加工高速的特点与纵切机床的刚性结合在一起 ,一次走刀即可精确地加工出完整的螺纹,而无需任何特殊的辅助支撑。
CoroMill 325螺纹旋风铣刀体和刀片适合各种不同规格的纵切机床,能高速去除大余量,加工各种规格的高精度接骨螺钉和植入体。进行螺纹旋风铣削不再需要专用机床。
这一技术与传统的单刀尖螺纹切削相比具有许多优势,它能提高生产效率,减少装夹时间并且能避免不必要的精加工成本的发生,此外CoroMill 325还具有出色的切屑控制性能和比传统刀具更长的寿命。
New CoroMill 325 ensures faster and more accurate thread whirling
The growing use of special thread forms for medical bone screws, implants and other micro components creates an increased need for techniques that produce threads fast and at high tolerances.
On October 1st Sandvik Coromant introduces the new CoroMill 325 thread whirling inserts and holders.
Thread whirling is a fast and accurate way to thread long, slender components in difficult to machine materials. By combining the speed of thread whirling with the rigidity of a sliding head machine, complete threads are produced accurately and in a single pass, without the need for special supports.
CoroMill 325 thread whirling inserts and holders can produce a wide range of high precision screws and implants from rough stock at high speeds and fit a large number of sliding head machine types. All without the need for a dedicated thread whirling machine.
Using this technique, a number of advantages can be gained over traditional single-point threading including increased productivity , faster set up times , no extra costs for finishing treatment, superior chip control and increased tool life over conventional tools.
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