山特维克可乐满ISO S新型刀片系列 推动高温合金和钛合金车削技术的发展
ISO S新型刀片系列推动了高温合金和钛合金车削技术的发展
10月1日,山特维克可乐满推出了适合各种不同加工要求的全新ISO S槽型车刀片系列,共有300多个规格。配套的使用指南使这一产品系列易选易用。
新推出的6种新刀片槽形覆盖了0.2到10mm (0.008 - 0.393 inch)的切深范围,大大改善了切屑控制并降低了切削力。其中4种槽形适用于中小切深的轻型粗加工到精加工的应用领域。另2种坚固槽形适用于较大切削深的粗加工到轻型粗加工的应用领域。
New ISO S insert program boots turning of heat resistant super alloys and titanium
October 1st sees the launch of more than 300 inserts from Sandvik Coromant in a new series of optimized ISO S turning geometries with easy-to-choose guidelines for every machining requirement.
Used for turning HRSA and titanium alloys for roughing to finishing through from continuous to interrupted cuts, these new geometries ensure easy optimization ,improved productivity, first rate process security and fulfilled surface quality demands.
The six different geometries are designed to handle depths of cuts from 0.2 to 10 mm with great chip control and low tool pressure. Four geometries are introduced for moderate to small depths of cuts in light roughing to finishing applications.Two stronger geometries are introduced for larger depths of cut in roughing or light roughing.
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