AFM的总经理Alberto Ortueta:“观众在展会上对西班牙机床技术的关注令我们感到非常满意。”
Bright outlook for Spanish firms
Despite adverse economic conditions, Spanish producers buoyant at EMO
Mirroring the situation in most other countries, 2004 was a difficult year for the Spanish machine tool industry. According to the Spanish Machine Tool Association, AFM, production grew marginally from 820 million Euros in 2003 to 821 million Euros in 2004. Exports fell by 9,4% to 417 million Euros. However, AFM notes that foreign orders improved in the second half of 2004, so that the prospects for 2005 are moderately positive.
The San Sebastian-based association has identified internationalisation as one of the main issues facing the mainly small and medium-sized Spanish producers. To support these efforts, AFM has developed an international promotion plan for the sector, including extensive participation in EMO Hannover, where 74 Spanish companies are among the exhibitors.
To promote the use of Spanish machine tools in emerging countries, AFM through its training and research subsidiaries Proschools and IMH, established a training institute in Tianjin, China, in 2003 and will open a similar facility in Malaysia later this year.
At home, the Spanish sector showcases its products at the biennial machine tool show, BIEMH, which is jointly organized by AFM and the Bilbao Exhibition Center (BEC). The next event, which takes place from 6 to 11 March, 2006, is already 80% booked out with 557 direct exhibitors and more than 1200 companies participating, managing director of BEC, Dr. Jose Miguel Corres told a press conference at EMO yesterday. Among the new attractions at the show in 2006, will be an award for the best international machine design. This broadens the scope of an existing competition, the National Award for Design in Machine Tools, which will be held for the 8th time next year. To increase the number of overseas visitors to the show, BEC plans an extensive promotion campaign in Latin America, Asia and in Europe. In 2004 more than 41,000 people attended the BIEMH.kf
c AFM,
www.afm.es, Information Center, Stand 1
AFM general-manager Alberto Ortueta is pleased with the response of visitors to the Spanish technology at EMO 2005.
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