Our new calibration service allows calibration of your three coordinate measuring machines and your machine tools, is an inexpensive and fast service。
我们的新机床校准服务使您的校准三坐标测量机和您的机床, 廉价和快速。
For each machine we will perform accurate inspection and provide you with a full calibration report.
You do not need to purchase a laser interferometer, if you have just a few machines to inspect.
This service has been designed for customers who need to inspect and assess geometric accuracy of their machines, at a minimum cost.
For further information please contact Luca 如需进一步信息,请联系卢卡先生 (暂不可见)/laser_cn.htm
Total cost for calibration can vary between 10000 Yuan and 15000 Yuan, according to machine type 总成本可校正之间10000元和15000元,根据机器类型
Keywords: calibration of three coordinate measuring machines with laser interferometer
laser interferometer for calibration of three coordinate measuring machines 激光干涉仪的校准三坐标测量机
calibration service with laser interferometer 校准服务的激光干涉仪
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