爱沙尼亚意大利商业总会- 芬诺公司在广州国际机床展亮相
EICC - FEANOR at GIMT AMB Machine Tool Exhibition
FEANOR participated to the GIMT exhibition in Guangzhou from 16 to 19 June, presenting the new set of solid carbide Christmas tree cutters without internal cooling, specially designed to increase efficiency of manufacturing of gas turbine shafts.
The company is now planning a further development of the software for the laser interferometer, which would allow a faster inspection of the geometry of machine tools with more than 5 axis (LASINTER project).
Feanor CEO Luca Bochese made a country presentation of Estonia at the Forum organized during the show and showed a promotional movie on the Baltic country. Estonian economic achievements during the last 10 years are impressive, the country GDP growth was consistently around 7%.
Actual cooperation between Estonia and China is limited to some projects in logistics and freight forwarding, as the cooperation between Ningbo and Tallinn harbors.
He also expressed the wish for more business contacts between the two countries in the areas of telecommunications and mobile communication systems, mould industry (especially strong in Guangdong area and one of the key sectors in Estonia, with companies localizing there from Sweden and Finland) and the woodworking sector, which are also key sectors in the small but dynamic Estonian economy.
爱沙尼亚意大利商业总会- 芬诺公司在广州国际机床展亮相
该公司现正计划为公司拳头产品激光干涉仪进一步开发相应软件, 以便更快速的对5轴以上的机床的进行几何精度检测( LASINTER项目) 。
卢卡先生表示希望两国之间更多的商业接触,在电信和移动通信系统领域,模具业( 尤其是在广东地区与一个爱沙尼亚的关键区域合作,这个区域由来自瑞典和芬兰企业组成)和木工行业,也是虽小但活力四射的爱沙尼亚经济的重要部分。
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