
PolyWorks Shanghai 招聘正在进行中,期待你的加入!

国际金属加工网 2022年12月02日




招聘岗位:应用工程师 2名



We are currently looking for an Application Specialist to provide PolyWorks-related technical services in Shanghai.

As part of this opportunity, the candidate is expected to:

1. Gain in-depth knowledge of our industrial metrology solutions

2. Provide technical support and basic and advanced trainings to customers and business partners

3. Assist business partners in giving software demonstrations to potential customers

4. This position is primarily home-based and frequent travel across the Chinese territory is to be expected. The successful candidate might also be required to occasionally travel to InnovMetric’s headquarters in Canada.


1. University degree in mechanical engineering or a similar field

2. Good written and spoken English

3. Willingness to travel frequently

4. Sociable and determined to understand and meet the needs of our customers

5. Experience with CAD/CAM software and design as well as manufacturing processes

6. CNC CMM experience (asset)

7. Minimum 3 years of relevant experience

8. Good written and spoken English

9. Willingness to travel

10. Strong interest for teamwork

We thank you for your interest in this position. Please note that we will only contact shortlisted candidates.


招聘岗位:应用工程师 1名



We are currently looking for an Application Specialist to provide PolyWorks-related technical services in Shanghai.

As part of this opportunity, the candidate is expected to:

1. Gain in-depth knowledge of our industrial metrology solutions

2. Provide technical support and basic and advanced trainings to customers and business partners

3. Assist business partners in giving software demonstrations to potential customers

4. This position is primarily home-based and frequent travel across the Chinese territory is to be expected. The successful candidate might also be required to occasionally travel to InnovMetric’s headquarters in Canada.


1. University degree in mechanical engineering or a similar field

2. Good written and spoken English

3. Willingness to travel frequently

4. Sociable and determined to understand and meet the needs of our customers

5. Experience with CAD/CAM software and design as well as manufacturing processes

6. CNC CMM experience (asset)

7. Minimum 3 years of relevant experience

8. Good written and spoken English

9. Willingness to travel

10. Strong interest for teamwork

NX V11版以上使用经验者优先(NX是一种设计CAD软件)



We thank you for your interest in this position. Please note that we will only contact shortlisted candidates.


招聘岗位:区域销售经理 1名



We are currently looking for a Regional Sales Manager located in Guangzhou. As part of this opportunity, the candidate is expected to:

1. Help maintain the high level of satisfaction clients have for our software

2.  Visit existing and prospective clients

3.  Generate, qualify, and follow sales opportunities

4. Develop sales strategies to expand major accounts

5. Participate in trade shows, demonstrating and promoting the software


1. A strong team player who demonstrates enthusiasm and excellent listening skills

2. Consultative sales approach, showing a self-driven will for helping users

3. Autonomy, leadership, discernment, initiative and determination

4. Desire to learn about the software and the industry

5. Degree in mechanical engineering or a similar field

6. Experience as a strategic sales representative, dealing with major accounts (particularly with high-technology products)

7. All other experience in 3D metrology or excellent knowledge of PolyWorks will be considered

8. Good written and spoken English

9. Willingness to travel

10. Strong interest for teamwork

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关于PolyWorks Shanghai

Company Introduction


PolyWorks Shanghai(博力加软件)是全球领先的通用3D测量软件解决方案提供商,是加拿大InnovMetric软件在中国的全资子公司。我们的中国总部位于上海,并在长春、沈阳、天津、西安、重庆、广州配置了本地化技术支持工程师,以满足日益增长的客户需求。我们的软件主要应用于汽车航空航天等工业制造领域的精密测量,帮助客户实现工程设计和生产应用的效益最大化。

InnovMetric软件成立于1994年,总部位于加拿大魁北克市,在5大洲16个国家拥有分支机构。世界上最大的工业制造企业(丰田、通用、大众、本田、宝马、戴姆勒、福特、劳斯莱斯、普惠、波音、巴西航空工业公司、庞巴迪、苹果等)均信赖 InnovMetric 的 PolyWorks®软件解决方案及相关技术服务。

(PolyWorks Shanghai)

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