







It is the system used by all preset manufacturers to measure in a very quick way.


Unfortunately it is the less precise either for accuracy, for repeatability and for reproducibility.



As the sharp shadow enters the vision camera sensor (and it is possible to see it on the screen), immediately the software estimates the limit between the black Pixel and the white one and gives the distance compared to a memorized fixed point (for instance: rotation axis).



In every point you'll find the shadow , the software always estimates the distance. It is a very quick method and of big effect, however it brings some errors in. The errors depend on the lens bending, on the sensor central Pixel distance to the one interested in measure, on the analogical/digital signals processing.










CCD→Analogical signal→Analogical/digital converter →Digital signal→Electronics



C-MOS→Digital signal→Electronics



The analogical/digital signal converter brings errors in.



In conclusion, in the automatic measuring method a 3÷6µm repeatability is normal. Always when the exact focus choice is precise and steady.



Collimation on fixed reticle

Just to avoid autocollimation  errors, only Elbo Controlli gives a second working method. In this case the Pixel that calculate, the measure will be always the same and will have a central position.

为了避免测量误差,全球对刀仪制造商只有ELBO Controlli提出了另外一种新的工作方法。总是把图象显示在屏幕中心位置,从而我们得到的测量结果有着很好的稳定性。




So no lens bending error. The sensor Pixel is always the same and it is in the centre.



Furthermore the C-MOS sensor doesn’t need a converter.



In order to have the best repeatability /reproducibility and also accuracy you need to pay the utmost attention to the focus bar. X axis has often a different focus from Z axis one (tools rake).

为了获得最好的可重复性测量精度以及精度标准,必须引起对聚焦条足够的重视。X轴和Z 轴分别有一个聚焦条显示。


You always have to check the repeatability one axis every time and focus with the bar only one axis at a time.



Every focus bar segment is 2÷3µm.



If the bar doesn’ t remain steady but swings, lighting and switching only one segment off, you can have 1÷3µm of difference.



The kind of environment light , the shadows we simply have when the operator moves, the sharp metals reflection can cause light changes and therefore the focus bar instability.





Then you have to check also the X and Z axes digital comparators.

然后你必须检查X轴和Z 轴的数字比较器。


 In the repeatability tests the zero reference is basic. Only a little swing of the red indicator is enough to determinate differences of 1÷3µm. You have to do the measurings only when both the digital comparator and the axis in measure focus bar are perfectly steady  and exactly in the same points.



You have also to pay the utmost attention not to create a counting inversion error, measuring always in the same direction.


 If you measure form right to left , please remember that if you get over the digital comparator zero, you have to go back and repeat. If you get over the zero, you have never to go back on the zero from left to right

( about the counting inversion error there are many treatises, it is not a problem that concerns Elbo Controlli itself  but all the measuring systems).





The correct procedure explained in the training to do repeatability and reproducibility tests is the following:


-          set(position-plan) the measuring function out on the fixed reticle.

-          对于“十”字刻线设置正确的测量函数。

-          move  the axes till the sharp shadow enters the screen and bring it near the axis measure reference (for instance the digital comparator lights up).

-          移动轴直到其轮廓进入屏幕,逼近轴,直至出现数字比较器。



-          Turn the sharp till the focus bar lights all up.

-          移动,直至尖端的逼近出现聚焦条。





-          In this position do sharp microrotations clockwise and counterclockwise. The focus bar has always to remain at most, while the digital comparator red reference does very small swings.

-          在这个位置对主轴做一下顺时针和逆时针移动。聚焦条总是存在,当数字比较器的显示红色,存在一些小的震动时。


-          With the focus bar at most, go on the most left point of the digital comparator and now stop the spindle rotation; the focus bar has to be completely lightened and has not to switch on or off segments.

-          当聚焦条出现了绝大部分时,继续向左移动数字比较器显示值停止,停止主轴的旋转;聚焦条完全的点亮并显示在屏幕,并且中间没有分割点。

-          Move with the X axis micrometric movement the sharp shadow, till the digital comparator red light is on the zero right position.

-          微调移动X轴接近“十”字比较尺,直到数字比较器的指示灯在零点右边变亮。




-          Always with the X axis micrometric adjusting, bring the indicator on the digital comparator to zero.

-          微调X轴,使数字比较器逐渐到零点。




-          If you get over the zero, repeat the reading, going back to the right position with the indicator.

-          如果移动过程中越过了零点位置,必须返回“十”字刻线右边。

-          With the bar at most and the red indicator on zero, in total absence of movements: read the quote.

-          聚焦条大多在红色指示器在零点时,停止移动轴,读出数值。

-          Repeat and see the differences.

-          重复测量找出每次测量的不同。


In the workshop 1÷2µm are usual, with great attention and a little practise and experience.



For what said in the introduction the zero value is improbable.



During the training, this practical test is made many times on all the machines and 2/3µm values are always considered very good在实际测量中,经过多次测量,所有的机器得到2÷3µm的误差值是非常棒的结果!

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