Abrasive Wear emerges from micro-cutting caused by hard encapsulated particles in the processing material. Geometry and hardness of these particles are critical for wear. 磨粒磨损
In some processes corrosive active decomposition products form during processing. Hereof problems result regarding surface quality and part geometry. 腐蚀分解
Cavitation originates from localized pressure drops in drifty media. The bubbles created during this event implode during pressure rise near the wall and damage the tool surface. 汽蚀
Adhesive Interactions (Films) are based on cold welding, electrostatic forces, chemical bonding, wetting and micro-jamming leading to abrasive wear respective tribological oxidation.粘着磨损
Erosive Wear is caused by abrasive particles in drifty fluids. Passivating layers can be destroyed by corrosive media and thereafter corrosion processes are accelerated.冲蚀磨损
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