Kim Parrish多年来采用精益制造原则运作自己位于俄克拉荷马州Owasso市Advanced Machining & Fabrication公司([暂不可见])的工厂,在这种原则中,现有设备必须以制造单元形式布置,一名操作员应该操作若干台机床。但是,Parrish意识到,在业务发生变化时,必须投资最新的..
Reliability FANUC Robots are the world's most reliable robots with an unprecedented 99.9% uptime. Broad Product range FANUC Robots can be used in virtually every application from assembly to Welding. This broad product range enables us to satisfy 100..
据印度亚洲新闻服务社2006年6月15日报道,印度国有重型工程公司(HEC)已经开发出印度首台自行建造的用于制造卫星发射设备的机床。HEC开发的这种“计算机数控三轴单柱立式车床”(Three Axis Single Column Computerised Numerical Control Vertical Turning and Boring..
Major machine tool facilities: Facilities Descriptions Quantity Lathe and the like Composite CNC lathe etc. 20 MC and the like Horizontal MC etc. 10 Grinding machine Internal and external cylindrical NC grinding machine etc. 4 Other machine tools Hon..
New Information Product data revision history was Renewed (February 7,2006) Product data revision history was Renewed (January 25,2006) Year-end and new year business holidays (December 28,2005) Product data revision history was Renewed (December 19,..