




If your company would like to join this research project, please contact the project coordinator info (at) (暂不可见)

如果您的公司想合作和参与这一研究项目,请联系项目协调员鹿卡先生 info (at) (暂不可见)

The specific innovation objective of this project is a new method for extending operating life of the world famous SIP (Societe Genevoise Instruments de Physique) SINGLE AXIS HIGH ACCURACY LENGTH MEASURING MACHINES.


State of the art

Former SIP calibration laength measurement machines are widely recognised as a standard in length calibration and are present in many calibration laboratories worldwide.

Unfortunately, since the company closed, and having subsequently been purchased by Helios and finally by Mahr,  there is no possibility to perform an electronic or software upgrade of these machines, while the mechanics, of high quality, can still guarantee the required accuracy.

Some of them are running with DOS operating systems and old PC, the most recent versions until 2001 have a limitation, as the LMC software cannot run with operating systems after Windows 95.

This is a serious problem for calibration laboratories, which ahev the need, according ISO 17025,  to guarantee efficiency, upgrade, validation, network capability of the calibration software.


The market impact affects all existing SIP measuring machines, which are at the moment true bottle-necks for many length calibration laboratories.

The main benefits of the projects are the extension of the operating life of SIP calibration machines, renown for high accuracy and high metrological characteristics.

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