Problems: The primary stress to which the surface of the mould is exposed are thermal shock, abrasion and chemical reactions between the liquid alloy and the iron in the steel mould. Certain regions of the mould are subjected to especially high stres..
Coining die, reduction of wear and sticking by Maxit® CrN-mod coating . 采用Maxit® CrN-mod涂层的硬币冲头, 可以有效解决磨损和材料粘附的问题。 Forging dies for making of connecting rod, plasmanitrided and Maxit® CrN coated for reducing abrasive wear. ..
1914年建造在密尔沃基,由著名设计师马歇尔和福克斯设计的新古典主义建筑,74英尺高,442吨10幢希腊格林式建筑,屋顶飞檐处皆有雄伟的花岗岩修饰. 西北相互人寿保险公司(Northwestern Mutual Life building in Milwaukee)(美国)以3000万美元修复此建筑.而修复此建筑的关键..
美国Battelle国家实验室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)与美国军事研究实验室(US Army Research Laboratory)共同研究制造了一种新型的数字成像雷达系统,用于精确测定行驶中的汽车、飞机的位置。这个雷达系统是由一个巨大的装载在拖车上的X-Y扫描仪以及一个..