December 9, 2008 - The PLCopen Technical Committee (TC6) - XML opened up the IEC 61131-3 development environments by specifying the XML schema for this. As such it provides an open interface to other software tools. PLCopen TC6 published their XML sc..
瑞典海克斯康测量集团(Hexagon Metrology)最近宣布,它已收购了位于美国加州桑塔亚那市的先进数字测量公司(Advanced Digital Measurement Works, LLC)。该公司最初曾是测量服务公司(Surveyor’s Service Company)(也是一家海克斯康下属公司)的一部分,已有17年为包括航..
Sonding Environmental protection & Energy Saving Co.,Ltd., Inner Mongolia ZhangBin 摘要 :文章介绍了艾默生公司变频器EV2000系列在钢厂璇流井恒液位变频节能控制中的应用。 Abstract: Adoption of EV2000 inverter of Emerson in liquid level control 关键词 :..