上海巴斯夫聚氨酯有限公司( SBPC )
上海巴斯夫聚氨酯有限公司( SBPC ) 是一家由巴斯夫公司和两个中方合作伙伴,即上海华谊(集团 )公司和上海高桥石油化工公司以70/30投资组建的合资企业,成立于2003年3月,位于漕泾上海化学工业园区(SCIP)。作为巴斯夫公司在华的第二大项目,也是总投资为11亿美金(约93亿人民币)的一体化异氰酸酯项目的重要部分,该项目目前正处于建设阶段, 将于2006年正式投产。
上海巴斯夫聚氨酯有限公司( SBPC ) 运用全球领先的技术、工艺和设施,生产并销售二苯甲烷二异氰酸酯(MDI)和甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI) 及其相关上游产品。TDI和MDI是生产聚氨酯的重要原材料。聚氨酯材料是一种多用途的聚合物,被广泛用于汽车工业和建筑业以及冰箱、家具装饰材料、床垫和鞋类等产品中。
Warehouse Operator 仓库操作工 (上海市)
发布日期: 2005-10-18
30岁左右, 化工企业化学品仓库管理工作经验
Technician - Instrument 在线仪表分析工 (上海市)
发布日期: 2005-10-18
现场翻译 (上海市)
发布日期: 2005-10-18
语种: 韩语,德语,英语
时间: 3 - 6个月.
Process Engineer 工艺工程师 (上海市)
发布日期: 2005-10-18
Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering / Process or above
Minimum 2-3 years of process management or production experience in chemical / petrochemical plant
Deep understanding on production, safety and technology requirements of the industry
Good command of both spoken and written English
Technical QA/QC Engineer - Technical Competence Center 技术中心质量工程师 (上海市)
发布日期: 2005-10-18
Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Mechanism or above
Min. 5 years experience in chemical / petrochemical plant
Good knowledge and experience in relevant certificate system such as pressure vessel, safety valves verification etc.
Good knowledge in Chinese and international standard which relates to chemical plant
Experience in contractor technical evaluation and be able to set up technical criteria
Good command of English and MS Office
Knowledge in using AutoCAD is plus
Technician - Mechanical 机修工 (上海市)
发布日期: 2005-10-18
至少5年以上化工企业装置机械设备检维修工作经验, 获得中级以上相关证书者优先考虑
Mechanical Engineer - Central Workshop 维修车间设备工程师 (上海市)
发布日期: 2005-10-18
Bachelor degree in chemical mechanism or above
Minimum 5 years experiences in chemical / petrochemical plant
Good knowledge in maintenance / repair of rotating equipments such as compressor and all kinds of pump
Good knowledge in static equipment and pipeline, experience in glass/glassline is plus
Knowledge in material is plus
Experience in equipment inspection or in checking vendors manufacturing drawing
Good knowledge in Chinese code and international standards
Good command of English and MS Office
Knowledge in using AutoCAD or/and JV experience is plus
E&I Engineer - Technical Competence Center 技术中心仪电工程师 (上海市)
发布日期: 2005-10-18
Bachelor degree in Electrical / Automation / Instrument Control System Engineering or above
Min. 4-5 years experience in E&I engineering / design for chemical / petrochemical plant
Or Min. 6 years experience in chemical / petrochemical plant with 2-3 years in engineering / design field
Good knowledge in automation control system, all kinds of field measurements. Knowledge of online analyzer is a plus
Be able to set up technical specification of ITB and take technical evaluation
Good knowledge in Chinese and international standards
Good command of English and MS Office
Good knowledge in using AutoCAD and Intools are plus
Safety Engineer 安全工程师 (上海市)
发布日期: 2005-10-18
Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering / Safety or related subjects
Minimum 2-3 years experience responsible for safety supervising in chemical / petrochemical plant
Familiar with local safety regulation and international standard
Hands-on experience in work permit, emergency response, safety auditing and safety procedure set up
Good knowledge in using MS Office
Good command in spoken and written English
Contractor Coordinator 分包商协调 (上海市)
发布日期: 2005-10-18
Bachelor degree in chemical engineering / mechanical engineering / chemical mechanism
Minimum 5 years maintenance and technical purchasing experiences in chemical / petrochemical plant
Familiar with Chinese maintenance market including maintenance service, material supply etc.
Good experience in contractor auditing, manufacture quality inspection and expediting etc.
Good knowledge in Chinese and international standard which relates to engineering and manufactory
Good command of English
应聘者应身体健康,有较好的沟通和人际交往能力以及团队精神。公司提供良好的培训与发展机会,以及完善的福利待遇。 应聘者请将本人中英文详细履历、现有及期望薪酬、相关学历复印件、身份证复印件、免冠近照、联络电话和通讯地址,并把应聘职位注明在信封左下角邮至本公司人力资源及行政部:
地 址: 上海化学工业区楚华路25号
邮 编: 201507
联 系 人: 张小姐
电子信箱: sbpc-recruitment@(暂不可见)
请将你的简历写好后拷贝/粘贴到你的 email 中。
不要在 email 后附带任何文件。
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