
Training Manager(ShangHai)

  总部位于瑞典的山特维克集团,是世界领先的材料技术公司,它的300个分支机构分布在全球130个国家。山特维克集团拥有38,000位职员,年销售额80亿美元。集团所属的可乐满刀具部门是世界上最大的金属切削刀具和相关技术的供应商,我们致力于从客户的实际需要出发提供最适合的解决方案以帮助客户提高生产率节约成本。可乐满在中国已走过20年的辉煌历程,目前在国内19个城市拥有办事处,16个地区拥有联络机构。请登陆公司网站获得更多信息: www.(暂不可见) or [暂不可见]romant.(暂不可见)/cn


Job TitleTraining Manager


Report to: Product Manager


q       Training management

§         Management to offer high quality both internal & external training in Productivity Center

§         Develop various training course and demos

q       Training support

§         Training material support to Coromant team

§         CoroPak training support to Product Managers

q       Marketing and business Support

§         Support various seminars and major marketing activities

q       Productivity management

§         Responsible for daily administration of Productivity Center


Experience/qualifications requirements:


q       Educational Qualifications:


§         Bachelor or above degree in mechanical engineering aerospace or automotive industry


q       Technical knowledge:


§         Minimum of 3-5 years technical background or training experience with metalworking industry concepts.


§         Mastery of English language (reading, speaking & writing)


q       Professional skills:


§         Skills to organize and lead projects.


§         Leadership, problem solving and presentation skills.


§         Good knowledge on product development of metalworking.


§         Good at resource planning and people development


§         Ability to work with people of different ages, background and experience



q       Behavioral skills:


§         Be able to speak in public


§         Ability to lead a team and to manage conflicts


§         Good communicative and organizational skills


§         Ability to pass on knowledge and know-how


§         Capability to analyze and summarize things


§         Ability to organize and coordinate a series of actions


Ability to manage time and to prioritize tasks





山特维克北京办事处 人力资源部收



邮编: 100004

E-mail: hr.china@(暂不可见)


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