Millimess 2100 Digital Comparator
The Millimess 2100, a new digital comparator just introduced by Mahr Federal, offers a suite of sophisticated measurement features normally found on larger, more costly bench amplifiers.
Feature Packed Digital Comparator Includes Temperature Compensation For Shop Floor Use
-- New Mahr Federal Millimess 2100 offers bench amplifier capability for less
-- High-contrast, backlit digital display flashes green/red for go/no go condition
PROVIDENCE, RI -- A new digital comparator just introduced by Mahr Federal offers a suite of sophisticated measurement features normally found on larger, more costly bench amplifiers. The first digital comparator in the world to offer integral temperature compensation for improved measurement precision on the shop floor, the Millimess 2100 Inductive Digital Comparator also offers 20 µin (0.5 µm) resolution, dynamic measurement capability, and a unique backlit LCD display that flashes green or red for in- or out-of-tolerance conditions.
'The 2100 has all the functions of a bench amplifier packaged in a digital indicator,' said George Schuetz, Director Precision Gages for Mahr Federal. 'It has automatic zeroing; a preset function, so you can enter your actual part size; data output; mm/inch switching; change of ranges; dynamics; tolerances; and lock-out features: these are all the things you'd pay $1500-$2000 for in a bench amplifier, all rolled up in the size of a digital indicator for something like a third of that price.'
The benefit of this design is that it facilitates the measurement process, said Schuetz. 'You don't have to turn your head to get a reading from an amplifier on the side. Everything is right in front of you, right at the point of measurement. And with the changing color of the LED, it's hard to miss a good or a bad part. More features, smaller package, lower price: how can you miss?'
Splash-proof to IP54, and built for shop floor use, the Millimess 2100 also includes a number of accessories designed to improve measurement performance in production environments. A foot switch, for example, allows an operator to send data to a PC without removing his or her hands from the part. Other accessories include manual or pneumatic lifters, measuring force adjuster and a mounting lug for horizontal or vertical setup.
Mahr Federal, a member of the Mahr Group, is known worldwide for its expertise in providing dimensional measurement solutions. The ISO 9001:2000-certified company manufactures and markets a wide variety of dimensional metrology products, and is headquartered in Providence, RI.
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