经过近两个月的精心准备,在西门子自动化与驱动集团AS BU 产品经理和工程师的共同努力下,新一代人机界面选型手册最新版于近日发布并批量印刷。
With nearly two months preparation, and with the contribution of SLC A&D AS BU product managers and engineers, the new version HMI product catalog was published in recent days.
随着人机界面新一代产品的问世,对选型手册的更新要求也提上日程。新的人机界面选型手册在原有信息的基础上增加了对新产品的介绍,设计也更加美观合理。对产品的描述十分详尽,有助于客户了解人机界面家族系列产品的有关信息。新的选型手册从多个方面对人机界面产品进行了介绍,包括:SIMATIC操作面板特点,WinCC flexible,定制化解决方案以及不同类型面板的介绍。
With the arrival of the new HMI products, it is urgent to update HMI product catalogs. The new version HMI product catalog has the introduction of our new products besides of the original information, and the design is more pleasing and rational than before. The new product catalog introduces our products from different points of view, including: SIMATIC HMI characterisics, WinCC flexible, customerized solutions and different kinds of panel’s introduction.
多年来,SIMATIC面板在各种行业中的不同应用证明了它们卓越的性能,同时在不断创新中丰富着自身的功能,通过SIMATIC HMI,我们提供全方位的操作和监视解决方案。使客户更好的掌控生产过程,使设备和工厂在最佳状况下运行。
In the past few years, SIMATIC Panel proves its excellent performance in different industries. At the meantime, it enlarges its functions during the improvement. With SIMATIC HMI, we can provide full performance and monitoring solutions, and ensure our customer to better manipulate the production process, under the best situations of equipments of the factory.
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