Feanor LP30激光干涉仪
Laser interferometer LP30 – 3D in basic configuration for linear displacement, vibrations and velocity measurements, positioning measurement,
and with the system for vertical and horizontal straightness measurement.
激光干涉仪LP30 -三维,在基本配置上有直线位移测量,振动,速度测量和定位测量,并提供系统的纵向和横向的直线度测量。
The system consists of following 15 components:
1. LH 01 - laser head
2. PS 01 - power supply
3. Optics for linear measurements (LI 01 – linear interferometer, LR 01 - linear retro reflector)
4. MM 01 and MM 02 - magnetic mounting bases
5. EC 01 - environmental compensation (total 6 sensors: for temperature, pressure, humidity of air and 3 material temperature sensors)
6. Software for linear positioning according to standard: ISO 230-2, PN-93/M-55580/81, NMTBA, VDI/DGO 3441, BSI BS 4656 P16.
7. Software for electronic adjustment of optical axes
8. Software for two dimensional straightness measurement
9. Software for automatic cosine error compensation
10. Software for linear displacement measurement, slow linear displacement registration, FFT analysis, measurement of velocity.
11. TP 01 - tripod support and positioning system with ball joint and two axes stage
12. Set of cables:
i. 0.8 m cable connecting laser head with power supply
ii. 5 m RS cable, 10 m remote control
iii. 3 x 5m temperature sensor cable
13. Case for transport (solid case)
14. Certificate of the laser frequency stability and environmental sensor calibration, issued by Technical University in Poland, Germany or Italy.
Also possible by NMI National Metrology Institute in Beijing
15. User manual in English
The laser interferometer communicates to PC Pentium computer or notebook (no less than 90 MHz, min. Windows 95/98), via RS232B or USB
serial interface.
1. Angular measurement kit and software for pitch and yaw errors measurement and for the strigthness of the base up to 12 meter measurement
kit (consists of angular measurement kit : – angular interferometer IK 1, angular retroreflector RK1, 100 mm base
2. Flatness measurement of all types of surface plate - kit and software (beam benders and mirrors, software for flatness measurements)
3. Straightness/parallelism measurement kit of the axes (3 m Wollastone prism and mirrors + software)
4. Straightness/parallelism measurement kit of the axes (10 m Wollastone prism and mirrors + software)*
5. Squareness measurement 3 m kit + software (consists of optical square and additional accessories) - for measurements setup 3 is necessary)
6. Angular positioning (rotary measurements) kit – on request , the time of delivery and the price will be the subject of negotiation. (2” angular
positioning accuracy)
Warranty: Price includes warranty – 12 month
On-site training c/o customer: Flight, hotel and other costs will be paid separately by reseller according to documented expenses.
Payment: payment in full before shipping.
Delivery: 4 - 5 weeks after date of order (standard configuration + options 1+2).
Options 4 and 5: delivery after 6 weeks.
* - on special request
We thank you for your interest in our product. Technical info are available on our website www.(暂不可见)/laser_uk.htm
For information please contact:
Luca G. Bochese
Feanor OU – Mobile ITALY +39-348-4121280, Mobile ESTONIA +372 58085680, Mobile CHINA +86.137.17978084,
Fax. +3902700532664,
Email: info (at) (暂不可见), Skype: feanorou,QQ 873993643, MSN info (at) (暂不可见)
1. LH01 -激光头
2. PS01 -电力供应
3. 线性光学测量(L/01 -线性干涉,LR0 1-线性反向反射)
4. MM01和MM02-磁安装基地
5. EC 01 -环境补偿(共计6个传感器:温度,压力,湿度,空气和3个材料温度传感器)
6. 线性软件定位标准:ISO230-2,PN-93/M-55580/81,NMTBA,VDI /DGO3441, BSI BS 4656 p16
7. 电子调整光学轴线软件
8. 两维直线度测量软件
9. 自动余弦误差补偿软件
10. 线性位移测量软件, 慢速线性位移登记, FFT的分析,速度测量。
11. TP01 -三脚架支持和定位系统附带球窝接头和两条轴线平台
12. 一套电缆:
一 0.8米电缆,连接激光头与电力供应
二 5米的RS电缆, 10米遥控
三 3 × 5米温度传感器电缆
13. 案件运输(实例)
14. 激光频率稳定度和环境传感器校定证书,由波兰,德国或意大利的高等技术院校颁发, 或者是中国计量研究所(北京)颁发。
15. 英语用户手册
该激光干涉仪能连接到PC Pentium电脑或笔记本电脑与:RS232 或USB串行接口兼容。
1. 角测量工具包和音调及偏航错误测量软件,用于该基座(高达十二米测量工具包)的测量,
(包括 角度测量包, -角干涉IK1 ,角逆向反射rk1,1 00毫米基座)
2. 所有类型表面板的平面度测量-测量包和软件(梁弯管机和后照镜,平面度测量软件)
3. 直线/平行测量试剂盒的轴线( 3米Wollastone棱镜和反射镜+软件)
4. 直线/平行测量试剂盒的轴线( 10米Wollastone棱镜和反射镜+软件)*
5. 矩形测量3米包+软件(包括光学平方和额外的配件) -测量一个需要3次安装
6. 角定位(旋转测量)试剂盒-根据要求,送货的时间和价格将由谈判决定。 ( 2 “角的定位精度)
交货:订单日期4 -5周后(标准配置+选项1+2)
可选项目4和5 :六周后交货。
感谢您对我们产品的兴趣。技术信息可在我们的网站上查询。网址是: www.(暂不可见)/laser_uk.htm
卢卡G. Bochese, 意大利电话:+393484121280 意大利传真:+3902700532664
爱沙尼亚电话:+372 58085680
Email: info (at) (暂不可见) QQ: 873993643
MSN: info (at) (暂不可见) Skype: feanorou
Laser measurement system LP 30 Compact
The most compact interferometer on the market
激光测量系统LP30 -三维数据表
产品特点 产品应用
规模小和低体重 定位的数控和CMM
易于运输 机床几何检查
操作简单,容易电子束对准 平面度测量
高分辨率和准确性 角定位
三维测量 滚珠螺杆检查
低价格 应用服务和维护
激光型号 Zeeman HeNe 塞曼氦氖激光频率稳定
预热时间 20分钟
波长(真空) 632,991354纳米
波长精度 ± 0.02 ppm
短时稳定性 ± 0.002 ppm(1小时)
输出功率 400μ瓦特
光束直径 8毫米
输入输出光束距离 12.7毫米
激光头尺寸 60x60x245毫米
净重量 1500克
安全等级 2级激光产品 (据PN-91/t-06700)
温度范围 10 - 35 °C
湿度范围 10 - 90 %
电压 30 VAC,50赫兹
类型 RS 232 c,USB(按照需求)
数据传输率 9600bps(RS 232)
手工操作 从键盘输入环境参数
自动 运用环境站点
空气温度范围 0 - 40 °C,准确度0, 1°C
压力范围 940 - 1060hPa,准确度1hPa
湿度范围: 10- 90 %,准确度5%
时间常数 温度3秒, 压力2秒,湿度5秒
维度 f 50x 55毫米
净重量 100克
手工 从键盘输入的材料的温度
自动 准确度-3个温度传感器,校准1000Pt,
类别1/3B,范围0 -40 °C,防油
时间常数 3秒
净重量 50克
Measurement 测量类型 |
Range 范围 |
Resolution 分辨率 |
Accuracy 准确度 |
Distance 距离 |
0 – 30 m |
0,01 mm (0,001 mm)* |
0,41 mm/m in air(空气中) 1,5mm/m for steel(钢铁中) |
Velocity 速度 |
0 – 0,3 m/s (0,1 m/s)* |
0.25 mm/s |
0,1 % |
Angular 角度 |
0 – 3600 arcsec |
0,04 arcsec |
± 0,2 % |
Straightness measurement (with angular optics) 直度测量(运用角度光学仪器) |
0 – 12 m |
0,02 mm (for 100 mm base) |
± 1 % |
Straightness measurement (with 3D measurement) 直度测量(运用三维测量)
0-10 m |
0.1 mm |
±5 mm x L** L in m |
Flatness(平面测量) |
0 – 12 m (±3 mm flatness measurement range) 平面测量范围
0,02 mm (for 100 mm base) |
± 0,5 % |
Straightness measurement (with wollastone prism) 直度测量 (运用wollastone棱镜) |
0,1 – 3 m 0,8-10 m |
0.01 mm 0.1 mm |
± 1 % 2,5 % |
Squareness (Wollastone prism) 矩形测量(运用Wollastone棱镜 |
± 1000 arcsec |
0,03 arcsec |
± 1 % ± (1,5 arcsec) |
Squareness (3D measurements) 矩形测量(运用三维测量) |
0-6 m |
0.1 acsec |
2” |
Rotary measurements(旋转度测量) |
± 5 ° |
0,04 arcsec |
± 0,2 % |
(*) 对0.001mm测量分辨率最高速度是0.1m/s
(**) 在0 - 15m范围内可行,对角线方法和网格法均可行
Set up for straightness and squareness measurement (Wollaston)
Specification 规格
Straightness measurement 直度测量 |
Axial range 距离范围 |
Resolution 分辨率 |
Straightness measurement range 直度测量范围 |
Accuracy 准确度 |
short range 短程 |
0.1 – 3 m |
0.01 mm |
±2 mm |
1% |
long range* 远程 * |
0.5 – 10 m |
0.05 mm |
±0.2 mm |
2% |
*On request * 额外项目
Squareness measurements矩形测量
Angle range 角度范围 |
Resolution 分辨率 |
Accuracy 准确度 |
short range 短程 |
± 1000 arcsec |
0,03 arcsec |
± 1 % + (1,5 arcsec) |
long range* 远程 |
± 1000 arcsec |
0,03 arcsec |
±2% ± (1.5 arcsec) |
On request: straightness kit with retroreflector non-overlapping output and return laser beam.
request: straightness kit with retroreflector non-overlapping output and return laser beam.
For furter information please visit www.(暂不可见)
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