




If your company would like to join this research project, please contact the project coordinator info (at) (暂不可见)

如果您的公司想合作和参与这一研究项目,请联系项目协调员鹿卡先生 info (at) (暂不可见)


Specific Innovation objectives

1. development of optics and software for volumetric accuracy measurement

2 development of  devices and software and procedure for rotary positioning measurement

3. perform testing on large machine tools

4. start production of the device on a more efficient way, with advanced technology both for manufacturing of laser source components and motherboard (i.e. automatic soldering machine, temperature compensation microsensors)

5. software development and design (volumetric calibration for 5D machines - new calibration procedure).



State of the art

Laser interferometers are currently used for calibration of measuring (1) and production (2) machines.

Market is divided among 4 existing manufacturers. A prototype of a compact laser interferometer LSP30-3D has been recently developed in 2004 by a Technical University, acquired in 2005 by a competitor and put on the market after reverse-engineering.

Aim of this project is to further develop the option and the software for multi axes measurements. Machines with 4 to 5 axes are becoming standard on the market, and calibration tools for such machines are very expensive and complicated. There is a strong demand on the market for a calibration and measuring instrument giving the possibility to measure all axes including their relations (21 parameters). New options should allow volumetric accuracy calibration of the machines with 5 and more axes.


needs addressed

Cost-effective calibration of CMM (coordinate measuring machines) and geometry inspection of machine tools by volumetric inspection (not related to calibration of axes one by one)


market impact

Overall cost reduction of laser interferometers for calibration.


potential benefits

Performing of high precision and cost-effective in-house calibration both on measuring instruments (5D machines) and production machines (milling, turning) will increase quality of machined products. Opening of new markets (China and India) for calibration services on machine tools is also a relevant impact of this project.


Market impact and benefits for users

Partners expect to sell a high number of new measuring systems in China and India, which are since 2002 the biggest importers of medium and large machine tools from Europe. Laser calibration systems are used to inspect geometry of machine tools. In 2005 Feanor started activities in China, providing special cutting tool design for large turbine manufacturers in China and in 2007 in India. These companies have a need for periodical inspection of accuracy and geometry of large milling machines.

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