威纶触摸屏|人机界面WEINVIEW MT8104T
◆Specifications | |
Display |
10.4" |
Brightness |
400 cd/m2 |
Color |
65536 color |
Contrast Ratio |
400:1 |
Resolution(WxH) |
320x234 |
Back Light |
CCFLx2 |
Touch Panel |
4 wires resistive type |
Touch Accuracy |
2mm |
Surface Hardness |
4H |
Serial Interface |
COM1(RS232/RS485 2w/4w) COM2(RS232) COM3(RS232/RS485 2w) |
Processor |
32 bit RISC CPU 200 MHz |
Ethernet Port |
10/100 Base-T |
USB Interface |
USB 2.0 x 3 |
Sound Output |
Line Out x1 |
Flash Memory |
32MB |
64MB |
Recipe Memory |
System Diagnostic |
Power failure detection |
Input Power |
24 VDC /- 5% |
Power Consumption |
440mA@24VDC |
Panel Cutout (WxH) |
259x2018mm |
Weight |
Approx 0.85kg |
◆General Specification | |
CE | Complies with EN50081-2 and EN50082-2 standards |
FCC | Complies with FCC Class A |
Voltage Resistance | 500 VAC (1 min) |
Isolation Resistance | Exceed 50MΩ at 500 VDC |
Vibration Endurance | 10 to 25 Hz (X,Y,Z direction 2G 30minutes) |
Protection Structure | IP65 front panel (O ring seal) |
Storage Temperature | -20~60°C |
Operating Temperature | 0~45°C |
Operation Humidity | 10-90% RH (non-condense) |
Enclosure | Plastic |
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