Feanor Training in Metrology - Feanor计量学训练
The Italian Institute of Commerce ICE and the Italian National Metrology Institute for Research in metrology INRIM organized a technical workshop in
Feanor training involved evaluation of measurement uncertainty according to GUM, with examples on block gauges, laser interferometry for calibration of three dimensional measuring machines, and a laser interferometer for calibration of length measuring instruments and machine tools. Feanor培训涉及测量不确定度评定根据GUM (指引,为测量不确定度评定) ,并举例块仪表,激光干涉仪标定的三维测量机,激光干涉仪标定的长度测量仪器及机床。
Attendees came from different Arab countries like Tunisia, Maroc, Lybia, Algeria, Syria, Lebanon. 参加者来自许多阿拉伯国家,如突尼斯,摩洛哥,利比亚,阿尔及利亚,叙利亚,黎巴嫩。
Visits to calibration laboratories in Tunisi have also been organized. 访问校准实验室在突尼斯也被组织起来。
Press release: Luca Bochese
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