
工业级一体化工控机YXT-483-064 限量促销

工业级一体化工控机YXT-483-064 限量促销

名称:抽拉式键盘 一体化工控机
时间:2006-12-17 2:44:47

4U Rack Mount 6.4'/ 8' TFT LCD workstation Front Accessible KB/Touch pad drawer
  Main Features

  • Compact 4U high Rack Mount workstation
  • Front 6.4" or 8" TFT LCD display and built-in slim keyboard and Touchpad drawer
  • Shock-resistant Driver Bay to hold Two 5.25" CD-ROM,One 3.5" FDD(External)and one 3.5" HDD(Internal)
  • Flexible mechanical design supports STD PS2 or Redundant power supply
  • Two USB Accessible from the front door
  • Support 14-slot Backplane or ATX MB foam factor( 9.6" x 12" )
  • Power status indicator by front viewable LED indicator

  • Disk Driver Bay : 5.25" x2 , 3.5" x1 (External), 3.5" x1 (Internal).
  • Cooling Fan: 2 x (92x92x 25mm ) hot swap cooling fan with air filter
  • I/O interface:2 x USB Accessible from the front door
  • Support OSD function (front panel)
  • Keyboard:built-in 88-keys ( US ) keyboard and touch pad.
  • Display: LCD designed modular can be front Accessible while maintenance



Display Type : 6.4" VGA TFT LCD
Resolution : 640 x 480
(暂不可见)lor : 262K
Luminance : 300 cd/m2
View Angel : 110°(H) , 50°(V)
Pixel Pitch : 0.203 x 0.203 mm
Contrast Ratio : 120 : 1
Response Time : 80 ms
Power Consumption : 4.5 W
LCD MTBF : 20,000hrs


Display Type : 8" SVGA TFT LCD
Resolution : 800 x 600
(暂不可见)lor : 262K
Luminance : 400 cd/m2
View Angel : 100°(H) , 90°(V)
Pixel Pitch : 0.213 x 0.213 mm
Contrast Ratio :250 : 1
Response Time : 50 ms
Power Consumption : 7.5W
LCD MTBF : 50,000hrs

  • Dimension: (W x H x D):430 x 179 x 451.4mm
  • Paint Color: black
  • Touch screen:resistive (optional)

  • Type: Analog resistive type : 25VDC ≥ 20M Ω
  • Resolution: continuous
  • Light transmission: 80% or more
  • Controller: RS-232 interface( or USB option)
  • Power consumption:<5V @1mA
  • Surface hardness : 3H
  • Operating force : ≤ 100g
  • Life expectancy : 1 Million

  • CBP-14I
  • CBP-14P4
  • CBP-14P 4L
  • CBP-14DP4
  • CBP-14P7
  • CBP-14P12
  Power Supply

  • 250W ATX
  • 300W ATX
  • 300W Redundant

订购信息: YXT-483-064 可选触摸  P2.8/512M/80G/52X CD/1.44M/网口
          YXT-483-084 可选触摸  P2.8/512M/80G/52X CD/1.44M/网口    

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