中国国际管材展览会 (Tube China) 携手冶金展定档2023
定档公告:2023年6月14-16日 | 上海
鉴于目前全国的新冠疫情情况和防疫政策,经综合研判,第十届中国国际管材展览会 (Tube China) ,将于2023年6月14日至16日在上海新国际博览中心举办。届时Tube China将与第二十一届中国国际冶金工业展览会 (Metallurgy China) 同时同地举办,为中国钢铁行业搭建创新技术展示、供需对接、投资合作的专业平台,促进企业间交流与合作,推动钢铁行业的发展及产业上下游衔接。
对延期带来的不便,我们深表歉意。已完成预登记的观众,原登记信息仍旧有效,可在展会官网 ( 或公众号 (tubetradefair) 查询。同时,主办方会积极与各方协调沟通,确保新展期的各项工作妥善推进。
我们衷心感谢广大展商、观众及合作伙伴长期以来对主办方工作的支持与理解!期待蓄势待发的Tube China 2023凝聚更多创新力量,呈现行业精彩时刻,助力行业高质量发展。期待与您再次相聚!
New Dates for Tube China confirmed:
14th to 16th June, 2023 | Shanghai
Dear Exhibitors, Visitors and Media Partners,
Considering the current situation of COVID-19 in China, the 10th All China International Tube & Pipe Industry Trade Fair (Tube China) will now be held at Shanghai New International Expo Center on 14th to 16th June, 2023, concurrently with METALLURGY CHINA 2023, the leading exhibition of metallurgical industry. This co-location will set up a professional platform to connect with the upstream and downstream industries of steel industry chain, as well as deepen the exchanges and cooperations between enterprises.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the postponement. The organizers will maintain close communications with relevant parties to ensure a high quality trade fair will be presented.
The previous visitor registrations for Tube China 2022 will still be valid for Tube China 2023. Meanwhile, the organizers will keep close contact with exhibitors regarding the subsequent preparations.
We appreciate all your long-term trust, support and understanding! Tube China 2023 will showcase latest technologies to present achievements of the tube & pipe industry and will boost the development of the industry. Looking forward to meeting you at Tube China 2023 in Shanghai!
Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Metallurgical Council of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade,
Metallurgical Center for International Exchange and Cooperation
November 21, 2022
(Tube China)
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