
无需模具的落料生产 戴姆勒订购两条舒勒激光落料线

Göppingen/Kuppenheim, June 22, 2015 – Daimler AG has ordered two Laser Blanking Lines from Schuler for its Mercedes-Benz facility in Kuppenheim, near Baden-Baden, Germany. The two lines cut blanks out of a moving sheet metal coil which are then formed into car body parts in further steps. As fiber lasers are used for the cutting process, no dies are required – in contrast to conventional blanking lines.

2015 年 6 月 22 日,格平根/库彭海姆 – 戴姆勒公司为它在库彭海姆(位于德国巴登巴登附近)的梅赛德斯奔驰工厂订购了两条舒勒激光落料线。这两条生产线可对移动中的金属卷材进行切割落料,所加工出的多种形状料片将用于后续工序中的车身件成形。与常规的落料线相比,这条生产线在切割工艺中使用的是光纤激光,因此不需要用到模具

The flexible blanking method means there is no more need for procurement and handling of blanking dies. Product changes can be made almost without any set-up time – simply by loading the corresponding cutting program. Additionally, material can be saved by optimizing nesting: If more shaped blanks can be cut from the same surface area, this significantly reduces coil waste.


Production launch scheduled for fall 2016

计划于 2016 年秋季启动生产

“An important argument was also the fact that both lines can do without a basement and elaborate press foundations,” explains Schuler Managing Director Stephan Mergner: “In contrast to blanking presses with dies.” The two Laser Blanking Lines are due to be installed in November 2015 and the production launch has been scheduled for fall 2016.

“与使用模具的落料压力机相比,这两条生产线不需要地坑与复杂的压力机基础,”舒勒的执行总裁 Stephan Mergner 说道。这两条激光落料线预计于 2015 年 11 月开始安装,并在 2016 年秋季投入生产运营。

At the heart of the line is a laser cell with three simultaneously operating fiber lasers. To ensure maximum production output, the blanks are cut from a moving sheet metal coil (DynamicFlow Technology). Each line is also equipped with a coil line with automatic cassette change and straightener with crowning capability, in order to balance out quality fluctuations in the coil stock, and a robot-aided transfer station for scrap separation with automated tool changing.


Of particular importance for flawless outer panel blanks: the cleaning device for improving surface quality. With its automatic stop setting, the Stop2Drop stacking unit is also very gentle on the finished blanks. The shaped blanks are subsequently used to produce car body parts for the Daimler Group’s latest models – on a press line also supplied by Schuler.

用于提升表面质量的清洗装置,对于生产出无瑕疵的车身覆盖件尤为重要。再结合 Stop2Drop 堆垛单元通过自动停止设置,实现了对成品料片的轻柔放置。成形后的料片随后会通过舒勒的冲压线进一步加工成戴姆勒集团最新车型的车身件。


Bild.jpg: As the Schuler line uses fiber lasers, no dies are required – in contrast to conventional blanking lines.

Please name Schuler as the photo source.




About the Schuler Group – www.schulergroup.com

Schuler is the technological and global market leader in forming equipment. The company offers cutting edge presses, automation, dies, process know-how and services for the entire metal forming industry and lightweight vehicle construction. Its clients include car manufacturers and their suppliers, as well as companies in the forging, household equipment, packaging, energy and electrical industries. Schuler is the market leader in coin minting presses and supplies systems solutions for the aerospace, railway and large pipe industries. In fiscal year 2014 (ending Dec. 31), Schuler posted sales of € 1.18 billion. With around 5,400 employees, Schuler is represented in 40 countries and is a member of the Austrian ANDRITZ Group.

关于舒勒集团 – www.schulergroup.com

作为成形设备领域的技术先驱和全球市场领航者,舒勒面向整个金属成形工业及轻量化车身结构领域提供最先进的压力机、自动化设备、模具、工艺技术及相关服务。舒勒的产品跨越众多领域,客户不仅包括汽车制造商及其供应商,还有来自锻造、家用设备、包装、能源和电力等诸多行业的公司。舒勒同时还是铸币冲压机的市场领跑者,并为航空航天铁路和大口径钢管行业提供系统解决方案。在 2014 财年(截止至 12月 31 日),舒勒公布其销售额突破 11.8 亿欧元。舒勒现有员工约 5,400 人,在全球 40 个国家和地区都设有自己的工厂和办事处,是奥地利安德里茨集团的成员之一。


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