1、 认知当前员工的主要特点
2、 从转变思维方式开始—从要求员工转变为获得员工认同
3、 重视直接管理者的作用
4、 建立系统的人员管理流程
5、 员工管理操作实践-FLY 模型
FLY 解析—关注员工(Focus)、提升员工(Lift)和快乐员工(Yahoo)
1、Focus 关注我:我们关注员工吗?
2、员工主体年青化—8590 后成为员工队伍的主体
3、企业用工与人口红利(Demographic dividend)和刘易斯拐点(Lewis Turning Point)
* 以学员为中心,注重学员的参与;
* 实务案例分析与精心设计的游戏相结合,倡导启发式学习;
* 研讨会中听得懂、研讨会后记得住,这样才能学得会 ---- 擅长把枯燥复杂演绎得生动简单。
请联系 Whitney Shen 来讨论合作的可能:
电话:+86 28 8532 7678
如需进一步了解详情, 请联系:
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited
T: +86 28 8532 7678
F: +86 28 8532 6768
Email: (暂不可见)ng@(暂不可见)
Plant Personnel Management
Shanghai, China
January 22-23, 2015
MARTIN LINKING is convening the Plant Personnel Management on 22-23 January 2014 in Shanghai.
Seminar Outline
Section 1: New thought of personnel management
1. Understand the main characteristics of current employees
2. Starting from the transformation of the way of thinking – from asking employees changing to gaining employees’ recognition
3. Attaches great importance to the direct manager
4. Establish systematic personnel management process
5. Employee management practices - FLY management model
Interpretation of FLY - focus on staffs (Focus), lift staffs (Lift) and make staffs happy (Yahoo)
Section 2: Focus on staffs (Focus)
1 . Focus on me: do we focus on staffs?
2. Communication skills based on trust and empathy
(1) Concept and mentality change of managers
(2) Basic points of effective communication
(3) Communication skills based on trust and empathy
Section 3: Help employees increase in value (Lift)
1 .Corporate level employees professional development and management
2. Three elements to lift employees by managers: education will, education ability, education method
Section 4: Help employees work happily (Yahoo)
1 .Team happy culture construction
2. Case: "Class, School, Home" team management mode
Who Should Attend?
Department manager of production, management personnel from technical role, new supervisor or front line production managers, etc.
1. Systematic personnel management thought -recruit, use, cultivate and retain people
2. Employees are getting younger - post 85s and 90s become the main body of workforce
3. Enterprise labour and Demographic Dividend andLewis Turning Point
Seminar Features:
Learner-centred, pay attention to the participation of students;
Combine practical case studies and welldesigned games, advocate discovery learning;
Good at interpretation of the complex and boring content simple and vivid.
In-House Training Solutions
If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be
tailored to specific requirements.
Please contact Whitney Shen on +86 28 8532 7678 or email whitney.shen@(暂不可见) to discuss further possibilities.
如需进一步了解详情, 请联系:
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited
T: +86 28 8532 7678
F: +86 28 8532 6768
Email: (暂不可见)ng@(暂不可见)
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