



  Sales Engineering Manager

  Position Description
  Directing the area sales of Abbott Workholding's products and services – which include oversight of the entire sales function, from initial contacts through final invoicing.  The position requires a technical background equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in engineering.

  Mandatory Requirements

  at a minimum, this individual must demonstrate:

  • Excellent communication skills in English, both verbally and in written form.
  • Extensive (5 to 10 years) Technical Sales experience in Machinery or Machine Tool Industries.
  • Strong interpersonal skills with an energetic approach to challenges.
  • Unquestionable moral character and personal integrity.
  • Ability and willingness to travel extensively throughout China to represent Abbott products and services.


  Routine, reoccurring functions in this position will include:

  • Attend company training seminars to become familiar with product lines.
  • Develop sales plans to introduce products in new markets.
  • Visit prospective buyers at their facility, or other appropriate venues to present samples, catalogs, and other information on product advantages, availability, and pricing.
  • Arrange for demonstrations or trial installations of equipment.
  • Deliver technical presentations that explain products or services to customers and prospective customers.
  • Develop, present, or respond to proposals for specific customer requirements.
  • Create sales order documents or service contracts for products or services.
  • Provide technical and non-technical support and services to clients or other staff members regarding the use, operation, and maintenance of Abbott products.
  • Diagnose and resolve any problems with installed Abbott products.
  • Document account activities, generate reports, and keep records of business transactions with customers and suppliers.
  • Keep informed on industry news, trends, products, services, competitors, and relevant information about legacy, existing, and emerging technologies.

  Contact Mailbox: tommyguo@(暂不可见)

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