

Freeson International Co., Ltd. founded in Hong Kong in 1984, is a trading company representing many first-class European and U.S.A. manufacturers in machine tools, measuring and foundry equipment, most of which are on exclusive basis in Chinese market. Organized as network with several offices located in different provinces of China, Freeson has close business relationship with Chinese customers covering most part of China. Our industrious staff, consisting of well-trained capable engineers, provides to our customer not only advanced technical support, but as well as perfect after-sales service. Over the past years, Freeson has gained a good reputation in Chinese machinery industry through our quality products, reasonable price, strong sales team and satisfactory after-sales services. 


1.       Sales Engineer 销售工程师


-          Responsible for sales of European made and American made machine tools in China, including customer development, project bid, and contract administration

-          Develop sales strategies and forecast to achieve company’s objectives.

-          Develop, build, and maintain customer relationship to reach the target of sales revenue and market share

-          Regularly report to management.


-          Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering or relevant discipline.

-          At least two years relevant working experience.

-          Strong capabilities in communication, presentation, organizing & planning

-          Strong negotiating skills

-          Self-motivated and independent

-          Able to travel extensively (including China main land, Europe and America)

-          Good commands of English (both verbal and written) and computer skill.

-          Good team work spirit.


2.       Sales Administrative Assistant 销售助理


-          Prepare quotation for clients, maintenances of customer’s records, orders.

-          Prepare weekly or monthly report

-          Monitor delivery schedule and coordinate with import & export administration and service department.

-          Follow up on customer request

-          Handle correspondences over the phone and through emails in English


-          Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering or relevant discipline.

-          Ability to speak, read and write in English is top-priority (CET 6 is preferred)

-          Conversant in MS office

-          Excellent interpersonal and communication skills

-          Confident with ability to perform under pressure.


有意应聘者请将中英文简历,期望薪资,身份证复印件以及相关证书等资料寄往:   上海衡山路922号建汇大厦24A, B         法信(国际)有限公司人力资源部      楼经理或小姐 (请在信封或简历上注明应聘职位)  邮编 200030

Email:    sh-mtsales@(暂不可见)       

Tel:         021-64860686, 64860687        Fax:    021-64860685

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