Pacific Oil & Chemical Company Limited (PACOIL) was established in 1994 in HongKong.In February 2005, PACOIL merged with Yip’s Chemical Group (Stock code 408) to become a member of Yip’s Chemical Group, a publicly listed company in HongKong. PACOIL distinguishes itself as a highly focused company that develops, manufactures and supplies lubricant solutions for every need.
PACOIL’s core business includes metalworking fluids, special lubricants,greases,general lubricants, lubricating equipment and lubricants for die-casting industry which serves customers in machinery, plastics, automobile, aerospace, energy, paper, petrochemicals, textile industries.
With a total of more than 100 outstanding technical and sales personnel, PACOIL’s sales and service network provides quality lubrication products and technical service across the country.
Presently, PACOIL has successfully completed more than 1000 projects related to both research and development as well as working with customers to improve their lubrication equipment leading to improvements in customers’production efficiency and product quality while at the same time reducing costs. We strive to continue to accumulate expemitted to building long-term partnerships with customers to build a better tomorrow.
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