PLCopen renews accreditation of iƒak as Test Laboratory
May 30, 2009 – PLCopen renewed the accreditation of iƒak (Institut für Automation und Kommunikation e.V. Magdeburg), in Germany as a PLCopen test laboratory for another 4 years.
This accreditation is a formal recognition that a test laboratory is competent to carry out specific tests in compliance with the PLCopen guideline “Compliance Testing & Certification.”
In March this year PLCopen released the new PLCopen Guideline Compliance Testing & Certification (version 2.0). This document defines the procedures for compliance testing and certification of IEC 61131-3 related products supplied by PLCopen members. Subject of testing and certification are software tools, which are implemented according to the standard IEC 61131-3 and additional requirements of PLCopen, determined in applicable technical papers, i.e. specifications for different certification classes like Conformity Level.
The test laboratory performs tests by applying specified technical procedures in order to determine one or more characteristics of a given product. The test laboratory delivers test reports which are the basis for the vendor of the product to apply for the PLCopen Certification.
About PLCopen
PLCopen was founded in 1992 as an independent worldwide association for industrial suppliers and users. It is the leading association resolving topics related to industrial control programming. PLCopen creates concepts to reduce the costs of industrial automation. These cost savings are realized in areas such as engineering, training, operation and maintenance. Together with its members, PLCopen creates specifications to materialize these concepts.

This accreditation is a formal recognition that a test laboratory is competent to carry out specific tests in compliance with the PLCopen guideline “Compliance Testing & Certification.”
In March this year PLCopen released the new PLCopen Guideline Compliance Testing & Certification (version 2.0). This document defines the procedures for compliance testing and certification of IEC 61131-3 related products supplied by PLCopen members. Subject of testing and certification are software tools, which are implemented according to the standard IEC 61131-3 and additional requirements of PLCopen, determined in applicable technical papers, i.e. specifications for different certification classes like Conformity Level.
The test laboratory performs tests by applying specified technical procedures in order to determine one or more characteristics of a given product. The test laboratory delivers test reports which are the basis for the vendor of the product to apply for the PLCopen Certification.
About PLCopen
PLCopen was founded in 1992 as an independent worldwide association for industrial suppliers and users. It is the leading association resolving topics related to industrial control programming. PLCopen creates concepts to reduce the costs of industrial automation. These cost savings are realized in areas such as engineering, training, operation and maintenance. Together with its members, PLCopen creates specifications to materialize these concepts.
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