The differential is part of the rear-axle-housing assembly, which includes the differential, rear axles, wheels, and bearings.
The rear axles are attached to the wheels and have bevel side gears on their inner ends. The differential case is assembled on the left axle but can rotate on a bearing independently of the axle. The differential case supports the differential-pinion gear on a shaft, and this gear meshes with the two bevel gears. The ring gear is attached to the differential case so that the case rotates with the ring gear when the latter is driven by the drive pinion.
Most vehicles are sold with open differentials, which do not offer any additional traction off-road. Power-transfer in an open differential follows thae path of least resistance, supplying power through the spider-gears to the wheel with the least amount of traction. This is most evident off-road when one tire breaks traction and spins (like in the mud or when one tire lifts off the ground).
Lables the components of an open differential.
When a car is driving straight down the road, both drive wheels are spinning at the same speed. The input pinion is turning the ring gear and cage, and none of the pinion within the cage are rotating-both side gears are effectively locked to the cage.
Note that the input pinion is a smaller gear than the ring gear. You may have heard terms like rear axle ratio or final drive ratio. These refer to the gear ratio in the differential. If the final drive ratio is 4.10, then the ring gear has 4.10 times as many teeth as the input pinion gear.
When a car makes a turn, the wheels must spin at different speeds.
The pinions in the cage start to spin as the car begins to turn, allowing the wheels to move at different speeds. The inside wheel spins slower than the cage, while the outside wheel spins faster.
The open differential always applies the same amount of torque to eace wheel. There are two factors that determine how much torque can be qpplied to the wheels:equipment and traction. In dry conditions, when there is plenty of traction, the amount of torque applied to the wheels is limited by the engine and gearing; in a low traction situation, such as when driving on ice, the amount of torque is limited to the greatest amount that will not cause a wheel to slip under those conditions. So, even though a car may be able to produce more torque, there needs to be enough traction to transmit that torque to the ground. If you give the car more gas after the wheels start to slip, the wheels will just spin faster.
If you’re ever driven on ice, you may know of a trick that makes acceleration easier: If you start out in second gear, or even third gear, instead of first, bbecause of the gearing in the transmission you will have less torque available to the wheels. This will make it easier to accelerate without spinning the wheels.
Now what happens if one of the drive wheels has good traction, and the other one is on ice?
This is where the problem with open differentials comes in.
Remember that the open differential always applies the same torque to both wheels, and the maximum amount of torque is limited to the greatest amount that will not make the wheels slip. It doesn’t take much torque to make a tire slip on ice. And when the wheel with good traction is only getting the very small amount of torque that can be applied to the wheel with less traction, your car isn’t going to move very much.
Another time open differentials might get you into trouble is when you are driving off-road. If you have a four-wheel drive truck, or an SUV, with an open differential on both the front and the back, you could get stuck. Now, remember-as we mentioned on the previous page, the open differential always applies the same torque to both wheels. If one of the front tires and one of the back tires comes off the ground, they will just spin helplessly in the air, and you won’t be able to move at all.
The solution to these problems is the limited slip differential (LSD), sometimes called positraction. Limited slip differentials use various mechanisms to allow normal differential action when going around turns. When a wheel slips, they allow more torque to be transferred to the non-slipping wheel.
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