

好富顿(上海)高级工业介质有限公司是好富顿国际公司独资的子公司,位于松江工业区江田东路188. 在国内客户强烈的需求和爱戴下,好富顿(上海)高级工业介质有限公司于2003年第三季度获得董事会的批准,正式立项。 之后,我们立即成立, 筹备小组,开始设计,险择厂止,作可行性报告,最后落户松江工业区。从2004年第四季度起,分为四个阶段,由土地平整、厂房、办公室,内部装修等工程逐一开始进行.


Houghton Shanghai is a 100% own investment of Houghton International Co., located in Songjiang Industrial Park.  With the strong demands and supports from the local users, Houghton Shanghai was approved by the Boards and established in the third quarters of 2003.  Immediately after that, we have established a task force and started its feasibility study and site selection.  From the process, eventually, we elected to build the facility in the Songjiang Industrial Park.   Starting from the 4th QT of 2004, this project was consisted of four separated phases, going through the landfill, production building, office building and interior finishing and partition.  



本项目于2005816日正式通过各政府部门,建筑验收、批准,开始设备安装。于200511月完成,开始设备调试验收。本工程总占面积为2 4150平方米,建筑面积为5000平方米,其中生产车间面积为3,500平方米,办公楼为1,500平方米,门卫60平方米。 绿地面积为 14,000平方米,占建设基地面积的56 %


The construction of this project was completed on August 16 of 2005 and obtained the approval from the SJ government for occupancy.  Immediately after, we have commenced the equipment installation and accomplished the task by November of 2005 meeting all the start-up specifications and requirements.  Our Shanghai Plant has a total acreage of 24, 150 square meters.   The building area is about 5,000 square meters whereas 3,500 squares meters is the production facility and 1,500 square meters is the office area.  The green landscaping area is around 14 thousand square meters which constitutes 56% of the total site area.


上海公司和工厂, 是根据好富顿(中国)公司的销售及整体规划设计。 上海工厂,现拥有搅拌罐8只,100 吨储罐2只。可以生产油剂和水剂产品共200多项。 2 期工程,将陆续增加搅拌罐和储罐。以70%产能预计,上海厂每年的生产量将可以达到15万桶,根据销售需要,可以再扩大生产量。本厂完全采用,好富顿国际公司的标准配方, 统一的质量标准,保质保量完成公司的各项生产计划。为客户提供最优质的国际水平产品和服务


The design of Shanghai Plant is based on the long-term demands and requirement of Houghton business in China.  At this point, this facility has a total of 8 blending tanks and reactors.  We have also two 100 tons storage tanks, which enables us to produce 200 + either water-based or oil-based Houghton products.  With the next phase of expand where more reactors and storage tanks will be installed,  assuming a 70% of production running capacity, we can manufacture 150,000 drums per year of Houghton products today.  With all the formulations following the specifications and SOP of US headquarters, we are producing Houghton products with the worldwide consistency and have great confidence to service all segments of Chinese industries with Houghton global standards.




As a responsible foreign enterprise, Houghton Shanghai voluntarily sets forth to meet the most stringent environmental requirements for herself.  This construction project met the inspections from the SJ Environmental Protection Agency on November 25, 2005.  Furthermore, this facility also passes two un-noticed random inspections by the SJ Firefighting Department in September and December of 2005, respectively prior to granting the overall Occupancy Permit.  Likewise, we also pass the on-site inspection of Thunder-storm-Prove Hazardous Protection inspection in December of 2005.  


在这个项目的过程中,我们得到了松江工业区、松江区和上海市政府领导的强力支持,在此我们表示万分感谢。 即日起,本项目正式开工,我们会继续努力为松江工业区、上海工业社会, 和在中国地区的客户、工业等做出最大的努力、贡献公司的力量,作为一个负责任的社会法人。希望大家能继续给我们强力支持,完成目标。


        Finally, this is the last but may not be the least; we want to take this opportunity to thank the leaders of SJ Industrial Park, SJ District and Shanghai City Governments for their extra-ordinary supports to this project.  We want to also thank our customers and staffs for their tremendous efforts in making this project possible.   With this inauguration, we will continue Houghton great tradition to contribute to the society, industry and all the Chinese users.  Please continue rendering the strong supports to us as you have been.  We shall exercise our greatest effort to meet the Houghton long-term objectives in China.


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