总裁、首席执行官—Mr.William F.MacDonald Jr.
First, let me express my thanks and welcome to all of you who have come to join with us on this great occasion – the inauguration of Houghton’s Shanghai Plant. We appreciate your interest and support.
首先,对各位今天来参加我们上海厂开业典礼这一盛大聚会,我表示衷心的感谢和热烈的欢迎 !衷心感谢您的支持和关注!
This day marks a new beginning for Houghton’s presence in
Our business here has grown steadily, first with sales representation and later with in country manufacturing in Shenzhen and now in
I can assure our team here that you are an important part of our worldwide program. We have and intend to continue to provide you with the technology and training necessary to bring the best product and service that Houghton has to offer to our Chinese manufacturing customers.
Let me note briefly what we offer to our marketplace. We offer solutions to industry – to improve productivity, to reduce fire hazards, to increase cleanliness of production and output, to inhibit the formation of rust, to inhibit the growth of bacteria in industrial fluids, to increase the quality and finish of parts and rolled metal, to expand the information and control of production processes and to do all this with a careful program to assure compliance with the best health, safety and environmental choices available for all chemistries and applications employed.
These are iconic virtues for all of us who carry the Houghton banner and the measure of our success. Our customers expect us to be the experts in our field to assist in the implementation of our solutions in their production processes. That is what we are dedicated to doing throughout the manufacturing world and particularly today and into the future in
We recognize that to be successful in
我们意识到,一支训练有素且坚定专注的中国员工队伍对好富顿在中国的成功发展至关重要。 随着我们业务的持续增长,我们也在积极招聘和培训我们的员工。我这里要感谢好富顿中国的每一位经理和员工,感谢你们为好富顿的业务发展所做出的努力。
We rely upon your training, experience, imagination and effort to carry out our mission successfully. The creation of this beautiful plant and the demands of our customers for our products testify clearly to your capability. Thanks for your performance until now and for your undoubted future success as well.
We welcome our opportunity here. We regard this inauguration as just the next step on our journey, a new beginning and a wonderful start to a new phase in Houghton’s history in
我们珍惜和重视我们面前的机会。我们认为,今天的开业典礼,只是我们千里之行中的重要一步,是好富顿历史发展上的一个新的台阶和一个新的开端。 我们相信中国制造业在未来必然会有快速的发展,我们很高兴能参与其中,并共同一起迎接中国制造业的光辉明天。
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