风腾机械(北京)有限公司招聘 | |
An US Based machine tool manufacturing company is seeking following people to join its
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Engineering Manager (Chief Engineer) 总工程师 | |
This is a key position for execute all engineering activities in the company. Reporting to General Manager, Engineering Manager is responsible for the following activities: 1. Coordinate with Engineering Dept. in Headquarters in 2. Working with the Design Engineers to develop new products as well as support current production. 3. Making Engineering plan based on company production plan, work with Purchasing Dept. to screen suppliers, control cost, as well as coordinate with shop manager for timely supply of quality part for assembly of the machines. Engineering Manager is expected to have following qualifications: - Self starter. Result oriented. - Good managerial skills to head a team of design engineers - Mechanical Engineering or equivalent experience - 10 years working experience in Engineering position, preferable in a machine tool manufacturing company - Excellent in English - Driver’s license is a plus |
Design Engineer 设计工程师 | |
Reporting to Engineering Manager, this position includes design of new products as well as technical support for all purchasing and production activities in the company, as well as coordinate with shop manager for timely supply quality part for assembly the machines - Mechanical Engineering or equivalent experience - 5 years working experience in machine tool industry - Knowledge of computer software such as AutoCAD, Inventor, etc. - Good command of English - Good Math Skills - Driver’s license is a plus |
Resumes please send to: 风腾机械(北京)有限公司 人事部 北京昌平北七家工业园 102209 (暂不可见) info@(暂不可见) |
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