Hydromat® 转台式多工位组合机床
Proven Technology Bang-Up To-Date目前公认的最佳技术
Around the world, well over 2400 Rotary Transfer Machines from the Hydromat® range produce challenging components for various sectors such as the automotive industry, fixing systems, hydraulics and pneumatics, appliance construction or electro-technology. The machine is continuously being further developed for the most stringent of requirements and continues to prove its worth in highly productive mass machining just as in the highly flexible machining of small batches where more frequent retooling is required.
在全球范围内,有超过2400台的Hydromat® 多工位组合机床在为诸如汽车,紧固件、液压和气动、工具及电子行业生产着有挑战性的零部件。为满足日益严格的要求,我们的机床也在不断的进行改进,使其在高效大批量加工及需要经常更换工装的小批量高度灵活性加工领域里,不断证明着自己的价值,
Depending on machine type, the Hydromat® Rotary Transfer Machines operate with up to sixteen horizontal and eight vertical, i.e. a total of twenty four, machining units. They all have modular structures. The machines can be equipped with a wide range of machining units, control valves and tool heads from the Hydromat modular system for complete two-fold or five-fold simultaneous machining from bar stock -, wire coil materials or pre-manufactured blanks. The individual machine models can be distinguished between firstly by the bar stock diameters and blank dimensions available and secondly by the number of horizontal and vertical machining stations. With the HS model range, machining options can also be further extended through the use of any number of rotary and indexable satellite chucks. These allow workpieces to be machined from five different sides without reclamping.
根据机床型号的不同,Hydromat® 多工位组合机床最多可安装16个水平和8个垂直—-最多共24个加工单元,所有都是模块化结构。同时机床能配备不同的加工单元,控制阀及刀具头,可从棒料,线材或预加工的毛坯开始进行完全的两面或五面同时加工。不同的机床型号可先从加工的棒料及毛坯尺寸范围区分,再从水平及垂直加工工位数区分,对于HS型,加工选项可通过使用不同数量的旋转分度夹头进行扩展,从而使工件能从5个不同的面被加工而不需要再装夹。
Key: Hydromat® Rotary Transfer Machines operate with up to sixteen horizontal and eight vertical machining units.
如图:Hydromat® 多工位组合机床最多可安装16个水平和8个垂直加工单元
They are equipped with various machining units, control valves and tool heads for two-sided or five-sided simultaneous machining. 机床能配备不同的加工单元,控制阀及刀具头,可从两面或五面同时加工
The machine is normally fitted with a horizontal rotary indexing table. The design variant where the rotary indexing table is positioned vertically allows nine machining units each from the left, right and radial position (when viewed from outside) to be machined, giving a total of 27 machining units.
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