国际金属加工网 官方微博


Ideal Trading,LLC

湖南 ChangshaYuwanshi,Yuelu Science&Education Town,4-9-512

五金制品、工具 建筑、装饰 能源、冶金、矿产 建筑装饰五金 非金属矿物制品

in United States.we... in the United States.
in United States.we imports various hardware... products for resale in the United States.We

New York Sail International, Inc

States albany, New34 Virginia Ave.

服务业 咨询服务

E-business, venture capital, distributorship, In...
E-business, venture capital, distributorship, International trade, business setup, startup, mana...


States usa7014 15ave brooklyn ny 11228

电脑、网络、软件 耗材


sunray international, inc.

States Davis1260 Lake Blvd., Suite 238

食品、饮料、烟酒 机械设备 包装用品、纸类 农林牧渔 蔬菜 农业设备 纸浆 种子 禽蛋 养殖动...

International trading company in USA. Cord busin...
International trading company in USA. Cord business is helping Chinese companies to do their bus...

Across Nation International, Inc.

States PROVIDENCE15 Ridge Drive, 15B

综合性公司 综合性公司

Broker; corporation design; marketing research a...
Busines consultant and facilitator of US market; business opportunity and localization managemme...


States Minneapolis414 SST 267-19th Ave. S.

服务业 教育、培训


Intertrade Corp.

States Washington D.C.5716 Columbia Park Rd.,Cheverly, MD 20785 USA

纺织、皮革 针织物

Import, export and wholesale of general marchan...
We are one of the largest importers and wholesalers of general merchandises in Washington DC and...


States WashingtonWashington, DC 20230 USA

电脑、网络、软件 软件


Northpole China Limited Shenzhen Office

广东 深圳#3108, Kerry Center, Renmin Rd. Shenzhen Guangdo...

纺织、皮革 运动、娱乐 服务业 工业用布、无纺布 旅游用品 娱乐服务

Camping Items, Furniture, household, etc.
subsidiaries in the United States, Canada, Japan

Oakland Paint Co.,Ltd

States 四川 Antioch1730 nandina ct

建筑、装饰 电子、电工 机械设备 化工 能源、冶金、矿产 包装用品、纸类 涂料 油漆 粘合剂 ...

Manufacture all kinds of paints,best quantity, a...
We produce all kinds of paint in good quantity
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易格斯2024新年寄语:创新与协同,推动塑料循环未来 新的一年即将来临,我谨代表易格斯中国祝大家龙腾四海,春风得...
SIEMENS2024年行业展望:躬耕不辍,行则将至 2024年已近在眼前,数字化转型道祖且长,企业应该建立长远计划...
迈步可持续 聚力再出发 化平凡为不凡 —— 山高2024寄语 回首过往,我们每年都说不平凡,其实这所谓的‘不平凡’,正是...
伊斯卡2024新年寄语:以创新,破万“卷” 我们不再被新冠病毒所困扰,准备重拾信心去拓展市场,以奋斗的...


北京市朝阳区广渠门外大街8号优士阁B座1703  电话: 010-58612588 传真: 010-58612665
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