工程人员,专业生产和销售各种数据通讯电缆及电脑周边设备配件.主要产品包括电脑数据线/网络数据/控制数据传输线.ieee1284.1394.usb.bnc.v.35.scsi.多媒体专用电缆,乐器,医疗设备电缆/路由器电缆,及各类转接头,转接线,并承接各类oem订单. 随着公司的实力加强.向市场推出一系列电脑周边集线器新产品如 usb hub1.1 & 2.0, 4口,7口系列:6合一, 9合一,23合一读卡器,3.5 & 2.5 &5.25移动硬盘盒 .其优良的品质和设计受到客户的赞赏,部分产品远销国外。
shenzhen haolink tech co ltd, located in south china’s ba’an shiyan town, enjoys convenient transport, covering an area of 5,000 sq m. the company
boasts 300+ employees, among which technicians account for 15% of total employees. as a supplier of computer peripheral equipment – connector, it, adhering to a strategy of technical and institution innovation, jostles for more market shares.
backed by leading production equipment and various precise test facilities, the company’s subject matter experts and engineers are capable of manufacturing and marketing all kinds of data, cable, and computer perip
工程人员,专业生产和销售各种数据通讯电缆及电脑周边设备配件.主要产品包括电脑数据线/网络数据/控制数据传输线.ieee1284.1394.usb.bnc.v.35.scsi.多媒体专用电缆,乐器,医疗设备电缆/路由器电缆,及各类转接头,转接线,并承接各类oem订单. 随着公司的实力加强.向市场推出一系列电脑周边集线器新产品如 usb hub1.1 & 2.0, 4口,7口系列:6合一, 9合一,23合一读卡器,3.5 & 2.5 &5.25移动硬盘盒 .其优良的品质和设计受到客户的赞赏,部分产品远销国外。
shenzhen haolink tech co ltd, located in south china’s ba’an shiyan town, enjoys convenient transport, covering an area of 5,000 sq m. the company
boasts 300+ employees, among which technicians account for 15% of total employees. as a supplier of computer peripheral equipment – connector, it, adhering to a strategy of technical and institution innovation, jostles for more market shares.
backed by leading production equipment and various precise test facilities, the company’s subject matter experts and engineers are capable of manufacturing and marketing all kinds of data, cable, and computer perip
北京市朝阳区广渠门外大街8号优士阁B座1703 电话: 010-58612588 传真: 010-58612665
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